Chapter 21(The End)

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Suddenly there was commotion inside the hall. The guards found a small human girl's corpse.

Hagon stopped the party. He asked all the ladies and kids to the safe house. But Carol and Rachel declined it, since Rachel is the witch and carol can heal the wounded soldiers and also she is being trained for situation like this to use her powers.

So all the other ladies were taken by guards to the safe house along with the children. Rachel kissed her twin girls and gave them to Mia.

Carol was hugging her baby tightly she might not be able to see him again. She kissed him everywhere. She hesitantly gave the child to Sofia. " If I didn't come back please take care of him" she said to her. Sofia took the child to the safe place.

Rachel was using her magic to search for the black magic that Lexie did to the place so that she can undo it.

She found a invisible magic and undo it. As soon as the magic is undone. Lexie, Camila and few other black witches and rougue werewolves are visible to everyone. The soldiers started fighting the rougue. Rachel started chanting to stop Lexie from whatever she is doing.

Carol saw Camila coming towards her. Her eyes are red like she is possessed by something.

Carol used her elemental power to block her. But Camila is stronger. Rachel said to carol that she is possessed with greedy ghost by Lexie which intensifies her greed 10 times.

So Carol used her all elemental to block her way so that she can gain some time for Rachel.

Rogues are losing. The warriors are gaining but witch side dark is powerful.

Suddenly everything changed. Rachel is in the hands of Lexie. Camila destroyed all the obstacles and captured carol.

"So you are the white wolf" Lexie asked

"Yes what do you want. Why are you doing all this" carol asked.

" Hagon's family has been ruling the supernatural for the long time. All werewolf and witches are under his control. I want to change that. I want witches to take control. I tried to seduce him. But he was always thinking about you. So I tried to seduce Oliver eventhough he fell for my trick a little, he always avoid me like plague. Then you came and become queen. That position is mine. I should have been the queen. If I can't be the queen then nobody is going to the queen." She yelled at them

"Now I am going to kill you both and manipulate Hagon and become queen. If that witch is not here then I can use my magic to do anything." She sneered

"Please you want only me why do you want to kill her. Please take me I'll come with you..... leave them all. Do you think you can manipulate Hagon and Oliver. Before you do that... they will kill you. So take me and leave them all ok. " She begged

Hagon came running towards them "what are you saying, why are going with her, no no no I won't allow it" he said shaking his head.

"But I can't allow her hurting Rachel. It's our duty to protect our people. Rachel is also my best friend. Lexie needs revenge, if she kills me them may be her anger cools down and then she will not bother us." Carol said to Hagon. They started arguing who is going to sacrifice and vice versa. At last Carol came to a decision stubbornly that supernatural people need a king to rule them. Their son needed a father to guide him. He can get love from all the family members so it is right for her to go.

Lexie looked bored because of their conversation." Ok now you came to a decision. I am taking carol with me. Since she is a white wolf I can do some research before killing her."

Before Hagon can stop them. Three of them vanished leaving unconscious Rachel to the ground. Oliver picked her up and ran to the infirmatory.

Hagon fall to the ground still shocked. He can't believe what just happened, his mate was taken away. He didn't do anything to save her. Ezra and Arlo patted his back with pity. Their king lost the most precious thing in his life.

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