Chapter 29

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Warning Contains content some readers might find upsetting.
Mias PoV
What's going on....where am I.... oh my god the baby! I force my hand to move over my stomach, oh god please be ok....
"The baby's fine mia, for now anyway, you were only given a sedative" a familiar voice says as I hear them walking around the room. Room? Who's room am I in? Where am I? What's that supposed to mean My baby's fine for now? I blink my eyes open against the bright light and sit up as much as my disoriented and drugged body will allow, frantically looking around, I'm in an empty room laying on a mattress

 Room? Who's room am I in? Where am I? What's that supposed to mean My baby's fine for now? I blink my eyes open against the bright light and sit up as much as my disoriented and drugged body will allow, frantically looking around, I'm in an empty...

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My eyes land on the figure leaning against the wall at the far end of the room texting on a phone....
"Donny?" I whisper in disbelief... wait....what's he doing here? was he the one that drugged me?? He knows I'm pregnant! Why am I here!? Where am I!? "Hi mia" donny says lowly as he moves away from the wall and slowly walks towards me putting his phone away "Donny...where am I? What's going on?" I say frantically as I start to panic "SOMEONE FUCKING DRUGGED ME!...THE BABY DONNY!!!" I shout at him in panic as he moves closer to me. He yanks me up and drags me towards the door, "Donny stop! Your hurting me!" I yell out at him, he pulls me roughly down a hallway and pushes me into a dark room making me fall on my side, I look up
From the floor looking around and make out a figure in the dark room

 He yanks me up and drags me towards the door, "Donny stop! Your hurting me!" I yell out at him, he pulls me roughly down a hallway and pushes me into a dark room making me fall on my side, I look upFrom the floor looking around and make out a fig...

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"Mia?......FUCK!... MIA ITS ME BABY!" I hear a familiar voice shout, and then the rattling of metal, "RAF?" I choke out at him, it's him! It's raf! Id know his voice anywhere! But why's raf here? Why am I here?....wait Why's raf in a cell?. "What the fuck......Donny? is that you??!" Raf whispers in complete shock as the lights flick on, "Donny help her! Get her out of here now!" Raf shouts as he violently shakes the metal bars, but Donny just smiles and looks down at me on the floor.
"Why didn't you choose me mia? Why raf? Why him?...I protected you....I helped you..... I loved you before he did" Donny says as he looks over at raf with hate, what? What's he on about? "Donny shut up and help her!!" raf yells at him "Donny, what are you talking about? Where are we? Help me get raf out" I say quietly as I sit up more to get up but Donny stops me pushing me back down, what the? I turn to look at him. "I love you mia...I always have... since the first time I saw you...I meant what I said every time I called you my future wife... I care about you...I'm crazy about you....I tried to get you to see I loved you... taking you shopping, spending time with you all the time, even protecting you with my fucking life!.... I took a bullet for you!!!.....But yet you still chose him!" Donny says, his voice getting louder and louder till he's shouting, "Donny what the fuck are you talking about? get Mia out of here!"raf shouts angrily "SHUT UP!!!.... or something bad will happen to her, and the baby, don't try me!" Donny growls loudly at raf, "Donny.. I-I don't understand...." I stutter out looking at him as he starts to get angry... "What part of I love you mia don't you understand???" He grits out angrily at me... "I love you too your my friend...but Donny this isn't you why are you doing this... I don't know what's going on here or what you want from us" I say quietly as my eyes search his, I'm so groggy and confused right now. "You love me as a Friend?? that's all??" Donny grits out... "I don't want you to love me like a 'friend' Mia! I want you to love me like you love him!!... I want what's mine!!! should of been mine! That baby should of been mine! But HE stole you from me! HE always gets what HE wants!! Every time I even so much as liked a woman HE went and took her from me! HE only thinks of himself! Ever since we were kids growing up he's always taken everything from me! Rafael always ruins everything for me! Even you!!" Donny spits out angrily at me, rafs going crazy at the metal bars  "THATS ALL BULLSHIT DONNY!" Raf roars, rafs frantically trying to get out, his eyes firmly fixed on donny, this isn't the Donny I know, he's actually scaring me right now, the way his eyes are fixed on me. "Donny I'm sorry but I only love you as my friend, I'm in love with raf, I'll always love raf no matter how much he's hurt me or cheated on me, I can't help who I fall in love with, he didn't ruin me donny I love this baby, mine and rafs baby, raf made me happy, you all did, and I love you all for it" I say quietly to donny as he starts to pace in front of me angrily "MIA I WOULD NEVER CHEAT OR HURT YOU BABY! I LOVE YOU! WHAT HAS THAT FUCKER SAID TO YOU!?" Raf shouts getting even angrier, but Donny just looses it "BUT YOU DONT LOVE ME LIKE YOU LOVE HIM DO YOU!!! WHEN HE GOT YOU PREGNANT HE DID RUIN YOU FOR ME!! THAT SHOULD BE MY BABY! I LOVED YOU FIRST!!" Donny screams grabbing my face in his hands as tears roll down his cheeks "GET OFF HER!" Raf roars at him but that makes him smile, "Donny your scaring me" I say shakily.
"you will love me like you love him Mia, I know you will, you won't have a choice if you want to live" he whispers gripping my face harshly. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Raf roars as he shakes the metal bars "What do you mean...Live?" I whisper in question my eyes going wide as he starts to laugh evilly at me.
He lets go of my face "it's love me like you love him or you know...I thought I'd hurt raf once by fucking Jenna...he caught us at the club....I thought he liked her and I could finally get back at him at least a little and hurt him Like he's done to me all my life....but he didn't even care...he didn't care about anyone......... until YOU came along" donny says as he starts to pace again "I took care of you from day one mia... just like HE did!....i kept you safer than HE did!....I loved you before HE did!!!....The fucking lengths I went to!....I bugged your phone...your room, his room, hell even your bathrooms" Donny rants as he runs his hand through his hair in frustration "I knew your every move, every conversation, I even heard EVERY fucking moan when he fucked you!! For fuck sake Mia I even heard you giving your fucking virginity to him!!" He grits angrily at me in disgust, "but still I loved you...I even made a deal to save you Mia, if they spared your life and gave you to me I'd get you to sign over all your wealth and the company to them, but at least you would be alive...i couldn't loose you...I did it for you....for us.....because you know deep down I love trust me, and I knew you would love me back if I saved you" donny says quietly as he stares at me "WHAT DEAL!!!" Raf yells out in rage, he's going crazy in the cell. "Well Frank was never part of the plan....and levi fucked up the first time we took you...I got you away from raf and the guards for him to take you...getting shot fucking hurts by the way, but it had to look believable...levi betrayed us by taking you for himself! If only he hadn't of been so fucking crazy and obsessed with his dead ex girlfriend yelena! would of been mine by now" Donny spits out angrily "you knew levi was going to take me? knew taras was working for levi? You helped him?" I whisper out in disbelief, Donny nods smiling at raf who's like a crazed animal he's so angry right now....donnys been working with them....working with Nikolai this whole time....they shot him in the shoulder so no one knew he was helping them take me.....all because he wants me for himself? That can't be the only reason tho, he's taking too much pleasure in seeing raf like this. "You betrayed betrayed your brother's not just because you want me is's because you want to hurt raf...don't you" I say quietly as I watch his reaction carefully "clever girl, it's taken me years to finally find a way to make him suffer! To hurt him! To make him feel how He made me feel! do you know what it's like having everything taken from you and always by the same person? To be bossed around and treated like shit all your life?!...well actually...maybe you do...but Do you know what it's like to hate someone more than anything but know killing them would be too quick?....I want raf to suffer, I want him to feel so much pain he would kill himself to end his own suffering ...but as a bonus I actually do want you Mia, I love you....well...I did....until I heard dr white telling you that you were pregnant with HIS baby!" Donny shouts "I went straight to dr whites office after you left and got a copy of your scan!...first you give him your half of the company, which fucked things up in my deal a bit I'll admit, but then you give him a baby? You being pregnant was the last straw Mia! I can't love you while your pregnant with HIS child!....I'm running out of time, and patience" Donny growls out angrily "I drugged the bottle of whiskey everyone was drinking that night you stayed at the hotel with HIM! With the others knocked out for the night I had plenty of time to find the company transfer papers you gave to raf for Christmas....and I decided to let my anger out on your room, sorry about that" donny shrugs smiling. "I left the notes, wiped the cctv, knowing for the next few weeks raf was going to be hell bent on finding the person responsible for threatening his prized possessions....but he couldn't find them, even though they were right under his nose the whole time" Donny laughs as he taps the side of his nose "I fed you all that stuff at the house poisoning you against him and I manipulated everything so you believed me, because I know you trust me, I knew raf would go back out that night, he had already told me he had a meeting with Sergei before I came to talk to you, but you didn't know that did you, it was so easy to convince you raf was cheating on you and using you Mia, that it was all a game to him, all it took to sow the seeds of doubt was a video that was taken before he had even noticed you!....I enjoyed every minute of turning you against him, but I had to get you away from him, away from that house, we had run out of time, if I didn't get you before the 20th my deal was off to keep you and Nikolai would kill you and use the will......oh....and happy 21st birthday by the way mia!" Donny smiles at me. Donnys crazy....he betrayed us all..... I don't get it, all this because he wants me and to hurt raf?? I hate him... "ok fuck toy...funs over....Now sign the papers bitch!" A females voice calls out as the clacking of high heels come up behind me, a pile of papers and a pen are dropped on the floor in front of me, jenna???? What the hell is she doing here! "Let raf go and I'll sign them" I grit out angrily at donny "oh he'll be going alright" Jenna laughs "he'll be going to our wedding in the next few hours" she smiles down at me as she holds up her hand... her hand with my ring on that raf proposed to me with. "You see bitch, I was the one that got donny to help us, after Rafael dumped me because of you!. The night raf dumped me I was distraught, seeing as I couldn't have raf I arranged to meet up with donny to fuck, the next best thing to raf was his brother right, luckily they both have big dicks and are seriously good fucks" she smirks looking at raf biting her bottom lip "donny was pissed off that night and admitted to me that he loved you, and how angry he was at raf! So I went to Nikolai my step father for help, he told me all about you, I convinced donny to help me get raf back and I made the deal that he could have you!" She smiles cynically at me, "rafs MINE! And after today he will be completely mine! Just how it should of been before you came along! I'm going to be his wife not you!...and I'm going to be the mother of his kids...not you" Jenna snarls "I'll never be yours!! I fucking hate you! I'll never marry you!! you will never be the mother of my children you fucking psycho! You make my dick soft and I'd rather shoot myself in the fucking head than be with you!" Raf seethes at her "you'll change your tune soon raf baby don't sign the papers bitch I haven't got all day!" Jenna seethes at me. "Im not signing shit till you let raf go!" I growl at her. She smiles evilly at me and nods to donny, Donny grabs me and pins me roughly against the ground "GET OFF HER!" Raf roars as Jenna pulls something out of her pocket "hold her!" Jenna growls at donny as she kneels down next to my head, Donny pins me with his legs and body weight as he forces my mouth open, "im the only one that gets to have his baby! Bitch.... I warned you he was mine...but you didn't listen....say goodbye to your baby" Jenna says loudly as she holds up two blue pills....NO!....she stuffs the pills down the back of my throat, I fight against them as hard as I can, but Donny holds my face tightly as he holds my mouth open and pinches my nose, his body pinning me down in place as I choke, her fingers push the pills down forcefully till my throat opens and they slip no no no NO!!!!  "NOOOO!!!! ILL KILL YOU BOTH!!!!" Raf screams in distress as tears pour from my eyes "ILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!" He roars as his voice breaks with emotion and he starts to sob, devastated he's loosing his child. "That's that little problem solved" Jenna smiles evilly "you will marry me raf and you will give me a baby, or she dies next" Jenna laughs as she walks away "Throw her in the cell next to my husband" she calls out behind her to donny. Tears stream down my face as Donny looks down into my eyes still holding me down, he lets go of my face "I hate you....." I sob out at him, "I HATE YOU!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, "ILL NEVER CHOOSE YOU!! ID RATHER DIE THAN LOVE YOU!! YOU MURDERER!!" I scream at him as sobs rack through my body......I'll never forgive him for this .....Donny looks hurt... tears start to well in his eyes but he quickly shakes it off and drags me into the cell next to raf by my arm, he locks the door and quickly leaves the room, it's just me and raf left alone sobbing In our cells. " I'm so sorry.....I'll make them pay for what those sick fucks did to our baby" raf sobs kneeling down against the bars facing me......he's distraught over our baby, so am I, I feel like I'm going to throw up ..........wait..............throw up ...........the pills! I need to throw them up! I quickly scramble off the floor and over to the corner of the cell,  sticking my fingers down my throat repeatedly, I have to get them back up quickly! I gag and I gag.......come on!!  "Baby what's wrong!!" Raf shouts worriedly "I need to throw them up!!" I choke out as I gag, I keep trying, frantically trying to make myself sick......and finally.... I manage to throw up... and there on the floor...are the two blue pills! I pick up the pills and dry them off on my shirt, examining them...please say they haven't started to dissolve! Please say they haven't harmed our baby! "Raf! I threw them up look!" I say frantically as I rush over to him at the bars holding the blue pills out to him, he takes them and examines both of them closely, "they haven't dissolved at all! You brought them back up in time! Thank fuck! Good job baby I'm so proud of you! You saved our baby! Your an amazing mom!" Raf chokes out crying happily as he pulls me to him through the bars and kisses me frantically in relief. "I'm So sorry I left...I listened to donny and I shouldn't have I'm so sorry raf" I sob as we look into each others crying eyes "shhhh baby it's ok don't be sorry, this was jenna and donnys doing it wasn't your fault" raf says quietly as he kisses my lips "listen, they will be back soon, you need to play along till I figure out how I can get you out of here, you will need to pretend the pills are working so they don't get suspicious, stomach pains or something I don't know" raf whispers as he stuffs the pills in his jeans pocket hiding them.
After a little while We hear a door open and footsteps and clacking heels come in, rad and I sit down on the floor next to each other, interlinking our fingers together through the bars, time to play along.... got it...
"Now Sign the papers bitch... I've got a wedding to get to" Jenna smiles as she slides the papers under the bars. I go to move but double over "ah.....owwww!" I cry out clutching my stomach in pain (wink wink) "no! Mia!?" Raf shouts out "oh good the pills are working...that's the end of that problem then" Jenna claps happily, I'm going to kill her for what she tried to do to our baby!
"Time to get married babe! Once he says I do you get the bitch Donny...but if he doesn't say I do...put a bullet in her head!" Jenna growls to one of the guards with her, several big men walk up to rafs cell "I love you mia, only you, always" raf whispers to me kissing my hand before the men rip him away from me. Raf struggles and fights against them, I see raf drop something shiny on the floor as he struggles against the overpowering men, he kicks it across the cell near to where I'm sitting but no ones noticed in the struggle, eventually five huge guys overpower him, and drag him out the cell.
A massive explosion shakes the whole room followed the faint sounds of gun shots going off.
"What the fuck was that!!!!" Jenna shouts at the top of her lungs, raf starts to laugh evilly "that would be the cavalry" raf laughs. "CHANGE OF PLAN! GO! GET HIM TO THE CAR NOW!!!" Jenna screams frantically as the men drag raf out the room forcefully. Donnys in a panic at what's happening, I quickly reach through the bars into rafs cell while he's distracted to try and grab the shiny thing raf kicked towards me....almost...come on....I stretch my arm as far as I can, my finger tips just brushing it..........
Got it!
It's a key!!
I quickly sit back so donny doesn't notice and hide the key in my bra.
"NO! No no no this isn't how it's supposed to go!" Donny shouts in panic as he paces the room, gun shots start to get closer.
The doors kicked open and Donny draws his gun. It's Alex!!
"Donny?? What the fuck are you doing here!?" Alex shouts as the two men point their guns at each other, Justin appears behind Alex with his gun drawn. "GUYS SHOOT HIM! HES BEHIND ALL THIS!!" I scream to them.
I quietly move towards the cell door while Donny Alex and Justin have a shouting match about Donny being crazy and a traitor, I quietly guide the key into the lock, it fits!! I twist it gently and manage to unlock the cell door.
I slowly push it open keeping low so I'm not seen and hide behind some boxes. I see a tool box and quietly crawl over to it to find something to arm myself with, I grab a screwdriver stuffing it in my waistband, theres a wrench! That will do! I quietly pick it up.
"Donny what did you do! your crazy don't do this! Let her go and we will let you live" Justin says calmly to donny as I creep up behind Him. "You don't understand! I love her! She should of been mine! Raf always ruins everything for me! I'm sick of being bossed around by him and him ruining my life and treating me like shit!....that stops now!" Donny seethes as he points his gun towards Justin his finger on the trigger. "You can't have her...she's mine....i have to stop you....I can't let you take her" Donny says as a tear rolls down his cheek.... shit he's going to shoot them!
I swing the wrench as hard as I can at the back of donnys head hitting him, his body buckles over and he hits the floor, hard. Alex rushes over to us.... "he's out cold! Nicely done Mia...we have to move!" Alex says as he checks Donny and ties him up on the floor.
"We need to go after raf Jenna took him!" I tell The guys as I search Donny, I pull some keys out of his them, my car keys! "Jenna? That crazy bitch is involved in this?" Justin growls out from by the door "she is....Nikolai is her stepfather... I'm going to kill her for trying to kill my baby! ...And for taking raf! I'm going after them are you coming?" I say frantically as I head towards the door with Alex. "She did what??" Alex growls as Justin presses his earpiece he has in "Sergei you got things covered here?? we need to go after raf!" Justin says into it, I lean in to Alex's ear piece so I can hear the reply,
"We have this covered have you got the girl?" I hear Sergei reply faintly
"We have Mia but we need to go after raf" Alex reply's into his earpiece "go! I have it covered here!" Sergei reply's. "Lewis get me a location on Jennas phone she's got raf!" Justins orders over his earpiece "jenna?? You mean crazy Jenna? Oh shit ok on it!" I hear Lewis call out quietly on the earpiece. "Let's go" Justin says as he checks out the door to see if anyone's there.
Alex and Justin quickly escort me through the mayhem going on inside the house. We run outside, "there's my car!" I say frantically and we run towards it, I hop into the drivers seat "wow wow wow you think your driving? I don't think so!" Justin says in disbelief, "yes I'm driving now get in! hurry up!" I shout at him as I put my seatbelt on and start the car. "No your not! let me drive!" Justin argues as Alex hops in the back "GET.....IN! OR IM LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" I yell at him as i close my door And rev the engine of the bmw m4. Justin quickly runs round to the passengers side and gets in "Mia are you sure you can drive fast enough to catch up with them?" Alex asks as Justin pulls up jennas phone tracking on my sat nav system in the car "I'm sure" I say confidently "they might try and shoot at us Mia you should be in the back!" Justin says seriously as I grip the steering wheel. "Then it's a good job raf made my car bulletproof" I smile as I floor it throwing Alex and Justin back in their seats as I take off out the drive.

Mias car ^^^

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