{52 Sending in the application

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{52 Sending in the application

Your pov

'' I did it! I did it!'' you yelled excitedly after hitting the mouse button on your laptop.

'' Finally! '' Jieun exclaimed and handed you a glass wine,'' here.''

''Jieun, I-''

''Just drink it,'' Jieun rolled her eyes, ''I know he might be working but come on you can drink one glass, you deserve it.''

''Thanks,'' You accept the glass from her, ''Maybe you're right.''

''Of course, she is!'' Haneul hugs you from behind, ''You've been working so hard to get this job you deserve every sip of that wine. Besides, since you met Yoongi you rarely drink anymore.''

''Yeah when has my wine-loving cat lady turned into a whipped fangirl,'' Jieun nudged you and giggled mischievously.

''I'm not a whipped fangirl!'' You glared at Jieun trying to defend yourself.

''I know, I know, ''She says smiling, ''I'm just teasing, I'm really glad everything between the two of you is going so well.''

''Actually,'' Haneul who was still hugging you let go of you and her facial expression turned serious, ''You never told him you were applying for the job at BigHit, or did you?''

You took a big sip of wine and shook your head.

''Are you ever planning on telling him?'' Haneul asks curiously.

''Maybe,'' You shrug, ''If I don't get the job I don't need to and if I do, well how big is the chance anyway?''

''Oh come on y/n'' Haneuls starts shaking your shoulders and you have to be careful not to drip wine all over the floor, ''You need to believe in yourself! You're an amazing editor!''

''He's your soulmate he already thinks everything about you is amazing,'' Jieun then seductively wiggles her eyebrows, ''I've seen the way he looks at you he's just as whipped as you if not more, he surely wouldn't mind you working at his company. It might even bring the two of you closer.''

''He could get fired, you know?'' You look at the ground a feeling a little bit guilty, if it would happen it would be all your fault. You hadn't even given him a choice, ''I don't want to be the reason he can't pursue his dreams.''

''Who would fire the almighty Suga?'' Haneul asks surprised, ''He is not only an amazing rapper but also takes part in producing songs for the group it would be a huge loss for them, besides Army might start a world war III when that happens.''

''They actually might,'' Jieun agrees with Haneul, ''She's right.''

''Okay, fine,'' You stand up from the chair behind the table and walk over to the fridge to fill your glass of wine which has gone empty too fast to even enjoy, ''If I get an interview I'll tell him, okay?''

Jieun and Haneul nod their heads in approval.

''Good, now can we change the subject?'' You retrieve the bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass before holding up the bottle, ''Who also wants more wine?''

You fill both Jieun's and Haneul's glass before plopping on the couch they both soon follow plopping down next to you.

''So what have you guys been up to while I've been studying?'' You ask and Jieun and Haneul fill you in on the absurd discussion that has been going on in their house. The utensils from the kitchen have started to disappear and no one knows where they might have gone. Everyone thinks Kevin the weird kid has been hoarding them in his room, but no knows for sure because no one has seen the inside of his room, ever, which is the reason why he is the suspect.

''I'm serious that guy never leaves his room, he doesn't even go to classes,'' Haneul rants, 'He locks his room when he is and isn't there, there's no way of knowing what he's doing.''

''Maybe he works hard?'' You kind of feel bad for the kid he is the odd one in the house and it kind of seems as if he doesn't fit in.

''No, No,'' Jieun laughs sarcastically, ''I heard he is failing every single class, might not even pass the first semester.''

''But you know it might also be Cathy, she's completely broke,'' Haneuls taps her chin completely lost in thoughts, ''Apparently, her parents cut her off a week ago and you know Yoo Kwon has added some quite nice silverware because he thinks the food tastes better using those.''

You shake your head not wanting to be part of this weird discussion and take this moment to again fill your glass of wine. The taste and Jieun and Haneul hanging around in your apartment talking about weird stuff reminds you of the old times. The simpler times, when you didn't have a soulmate. When all you were thinking of was getting through university and get a job. You knew the chance of getting even an interview was slim but what if it did happen? How would Yoongi react to you working at his office? He is your soulmate he of all people should understand right? But what if he didn't? What if people find out? They could immediately fir me or even worse fire Yoongi, no, no that would never happen. You would never let that happen, if they found out you would just leave and get another job you weren't going to risk his career. Nothing would change if you just left when they find and besides how would they ever find out? The two of you have been dating for some time now and everything is fine BigHit is huge these days even if I would work there I wouldn't be close to him. Maybe I wouldn't be working with them they have the other boy group too now, TXT.

''Y/N??'' Jieun waved a hand in front of you, ''Y/n! Earth to Y/n?!

''Yeah, yeah, I'm here, what is it?'' You shook your head, trying to shake away all the thoughts about the job application and joined Jieun and Haneul in their conversation about... You had no idea what they had been talking about.


So the application has been sent, what do you think is going to happen? Does she get the job? Does Yoongi already know? How does he think about her working at his company?

Random character fact:

Haneul's worst fear is getting old and watch the people around her die. 

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