Chapter 7 (Edited)

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I looked at aunt and asked to the thin air in a low whisper. "What do they want now?"

My gaze fell on my sister standing in room listening in to our conversation suspiciously. "Is everything alright. Who is at the door?" Her question brought the only thought in my mind that I needed to get her out of here.

"Appa could you do me favour and go to room and stay there until I say so." I used a softer tune to make my demand polite.

"What going on?" I could see the panic on her face which was also occupied by confusion.

"I will answer most of your question appa but I need you to go upstair. Please." My tone changed from demanding to simply pleading. She wasn't happy with it but thankfully she did as I asked.

I took a deep breath before taking the receiver and asking the guard to let her in. After a minute or two, she arrived with two girls and two guards behind her who were holding some bags and boxes.

"What is this all?" I gestured with my hand to the boxes and bags that were being placed in my living area.

"They contain gowns, jewellery and all other stuff a woman needs for a ball." She replied without even batting an eyelash.

"Don't try to act smart. What are you doing here Laura?" I asked.

"I am here to make you look gorgeous for your engagement ceremony." She smirked as she spoke the words that took my breath away.

"What..?" I felt like I couldn't believe my ears.

"Trust me. I am not very pleased with idea but desperate times call for desperate measure." She drawled the last sentence.

"What desperate measures?" I questioned.

"You see the workers are not very happy with my son being the head." She spoke in light tone.

"I don't see how this concerns me." I added monotone tone.

"Ohh it does. By marrying Hudayfah's widow, His image will be cleansed." She smiled.

"And how?" I asked.

"Well. All the workers liked Hudayfah Khan. He treated them very generously unless anyone betrayed him and then he was your worst nightmare." She laughed cynically.

"Back to point. People think that Benjamin and I had something to do with Hudayfah's murder."

"Well its not a lie." I replied

She laughed again. "You don't know anything. Do you? He kept you in secrecy. Didn't he?" My face mirrored the confusion that I felt.

"You want to know the truth. You can get it by being a fiance to my son for the night." She looked at me dead in eye.

"OK just for the night." I made a deal.

I decided to go straight to manor instead of getting ready here. Before leaving , I wrote a message to Aunt Sara informing her that I would be at home late at night. I couldn't say much so I left it to that. No conversation was shared during our journey.

As we pulled into driveway of manor. My eyes immediately fell on place where Hudayfah died. I could exactly pinpoint the area where his body fell. The snow was still there. The winters were staying for long as the spring still remained far away. My eyes were fixed on the area as the car drove to the front of manor. I felt like a doll. A motionless doll.

The voice of someone calling my name faded into the background. A flashback played in front of my eyes. Just like always, A shot was rang and his body hit the ground. A cold hand dragged me out of the car. Like a ragged doll I was dragged into the manor as I kept craning my neck to get a better view.

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