Chapter 22 (Edited)

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If I said that I wasn't anxious then it would be a lie. You know the feeling when you are waiting for something so long and its just going to happen. You sweat and tremble and feel all kind of terrible anxiousness. Every stroke of the clock feels slow, seconds change into minutes and minutes change into hours. Your eyes look at clock every second that's what I was feeling right now.

The clock struck eight and same time my office phone rung. I pressed the button.

The receptionists voice reached my ear. "Mam. There is Mr. Ben here to see you."

"Guide him to my private elevator and let him in my office."

I tapped the pen continuously on the table until a knock was produced on my door.

I placed the pen back on its place and straightened myself on my seat before saying a loud commanding. "Come in."

He entered in dressed in a similar fashion like always with his usual smirk. "You look good."

"You too considering that you are a jail bird."

He chuckled. "Still got claws."

"Take a seat." I gestured. "And lets cut the pleasantries."

"Direct as usual." I expected him to take a chair across the desk but instead he walked to my side and opened my laptop before pressing on start button.

"What are you doing?"

He fixed a USB to the portal and got into the files and opened a video.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Just watch."

I reluctantly moved my eyes back to screen. It was CC tv video of the front of manor. The snow on the ground and the police walking someone out of the manor and that someone was Hudayfah. It was the day of his death.

"I don't see a reason to revise my memory." I turned my head away from the screen.

He turned my head toward the screen. "Watch. Don't you want to know."

He replayed the video. Hudayfah walked out with the police around him. He was walking still and his head tilted a bit toward right.

Benjamin paused the video at it.  "There." he pointed toward the bushes. "Did you see him. Its the snipper." And I did.

"He is in the property." He was and how got in with all guards and also was able to ran away. It was mystery in itself.

He then played the video in very slow speed. "Look Hudayfah is looking
at the snipper." I gulped.

"Snipper has positioned for his target." He zoomed in. "His finger is on target and he is about to shoot." My heart started beating loudly.

"Then you walked in." It was me in my night dress with my bare feet, arms and legs. Walking on that snow with nothing protecting me from harsh cold. I walked a bit and then detective Jones came toward me. We talked a bit then he ordered the others to let us talk in his walkie talkie.

Hudayfah stopped right where he stood and then turned to me. In the same time the snipper kept looking at him and me and then lowered his rifle.

I could see it all clearly. Benjamin words they felt like that they were in background as he explained all what I was seeing. While my eyes were stuck on screen. Every breath felt difficult. I know how this was going to end. In a deafening shot and blood. I have seen it all in my nightmares.

I walked toward him and it was playing in slow motion. I was only looking  at Hudhayfah. He was standing stiff with tightened jaw like he was angry. Angry that I was here. He moved his head sideway like asking me to leave but I didn't see it that day. I just walked to him not even once the snipper raised his gun again.

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