Bonus Chapter

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At the age of twelve. In my science class, A project of blood group system was assigned to us. I had know my parents blood group and of my grand parents for the project. My blood group didn't match any of their. At first, I felt a bit down but I didn't let my mind took over by this. The next day, when I went to school. I noticed that all my class mates blood group matched on of their parents or grandparents.

It made me feel down. I started doubting was I even their son. I knew that there was an orphan from where babies could be adopted. That day I actually noticed my feature matched none of my parents especially my grey eyes. No one in my relatives had grey eyes.

I started researching about it on internet and I concluded that I was adopted and my parents weren't my blood parents. I kept it for a year not saying anything. I was afraid that if I say something they would start treating me in a different way. So many thought about my real parents surrounded me.

Did they not want me that's why they left in an orphanage. I was clear about the concept of death so I even thought did they die. If they died what about my relatives.

I wanted to ask these all questions but I could never. My mama and pappa loved me a lot. They treated me like their own child. They were kind and good with me. I didn't want to disappoint them asking these question but it never left my mind.

At my thirteen birthday, papa gave me the platinum chain with a platinum coin attached to it. There was something written on it in a language that I couldn't understand. Papa told me that it was the gift from the uncle that I prayed for.

I remember praying for that uncle since my childhood in my every prayer and salat that it became an instinct. I asked papa about what was written in it but he told me that he didn't know.

I wore the chain since then. It was mostly under my shirt. One day, my pakistani friend saw the chain while we were playing football in the ground. He saw the chain and started studying it. He asked me about it and I explained the same answer that papa gave me.

He told me it was written in urdu so that meant that uncle must be from Pakistan. I asked him the meaning and he read it.

"It means mom and dad's light of faith." I tested the word that he spoke in urdu on my tongue.

I realized that it was the meaning of my name. So my real parents named me and that uncle. Was he my real father?

Hearing this all made me less like an unwanted child but still there were doubts. If they loved me then why leave me?

I went straight to home and that day, I talked to my parents. They were a bit hesitant but then they told me everything. Papa said that he only met my mother and explain It didn't look like she wanted to give me away and that she asked papa to protect me.

I asked them that I wanted to see her. They were reluctant but I managed to convince them. Months later after paps settled things in Turkey. We went back to London where I was born..

I was already fourteen at that time. We were in london for two months until papa came with news that he found my mother. First he and my mama met her.

After that day. She came to our house. When I walked to the living room and saw a women wearing peach dress. She looked elegant and intimidating. I noticed that our skin colour was almost similar. There was a man sitting beside her. I could that in one gaze that he wasn't my father but it looked like that she had a relationship him.

More doubts entered my mind. Like did she left me and father for this man. In an instant, I hate the man and wanted him anywhere but here which I made sure was obvious.

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