Chapter 11

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As I sat on my new bed, the one which was assigned to me for the duration of my training I couldnt help but think back to my last night in Helmstedt, spent with my best friend who I hadnt expected to see again. What should have been a tense sad night was actually one of the best nights I had since the war broke out. I could not have wished for a better last night in town. Sure going to a dance and meeting with friends like in the old days would have been more fun, but over the last four years I had experienced so many horrific acts because of the war, and in particular those Nazis that I now had to sit amongst, spending a night alone with my friend, with no real trouble to remind us of the war, was well it was perfect.

"Hail Hitler"

My thoughts were broken by the Nazi officer walking into the room and shouting. I looked around the sparsely furnished space, I counted 15 beds, all metal framed, with a thin mattress which was slightly shorter than the frame placed on each. Each bed had one pillow, and neatly folded linen with one blanket placed on the end. As I slightly moved my position my metal frame let out a huge groan.

I froze, hoping no one had heard.

As I slowly moved my head I saw the Nazi officer making his way toward me, with intent in his pace. Oh god he heard the groan I thought, but then as i switched my focus from the officer, back to the room, I noticed the other girls were all standing with their hands saluting on their foreheads. As the Nazi reached me I realised I was the only girl still sitting. Rather than the noise made by the bed being the focus of his now obvious anger, it was my unintentional defiance by not saluting at his command.

As he reached me his hand raised and struck my face, it was not hard enough to really hurt, which shocked me. After he had hit me I just stared at him, my left cheek starting to numb a little.  I continued to stare at him and without realising I began to think about how he was actually quite handsome. Although a brunette, he was the picture of a true German, stood at about six feet tall, with broad shoulders, and defined facial features. His nose was slightly larger than necessary in comparison to the size of his face, but did not detract from his beauty.

Damn it I was not going to be attracted to a savage!

With this return to reality I realised the numbness in my cheek had begun to wear off, replaced by a stinging sensation. The Nazi then struck me again, on my right cheek. Again it felt numb, but this time rather than staring at him and getting lost in thought, I could hear him shouting for me to stand. I wondered if he had been shouting all of the time.

He raised his hand to strike me again but I swiftly stood, my face now looking at his chest. As I raised my hand to salute, in accordance with his orders I realised that his intent on striking me meant that his body was inches from mine. At this moment I realised that by raising my hand to salute I was going to strike him un-intentionally back. I struck him on the side of his face with the back of my hand. His mouth was still open from screaming orders at me, but as my hand hit his mouth was knocked shut. I heard the clash of his teeth hitting each other.

I didn't know whether to laugh or apologise. Thinking better of either I instead stood in silence, with my head bowed down.

As I glimpsed around the room at the other girls I could see a mixture of shock and amusement on their faces. I wondered if they had witnessed the atrocities I had seen? Were they here under duress or choice?

I turned my focus back on the Nazi, now clutching at his jaw, I decided to utter a bit of an apology.

"Excuse me".

Of course I didnt really mean this as an apology if he hadnt stood so close to me he would not have been hit, therefore I decided it was his own fault for invading my space! The Nazi by now had a strange look of amusement across his face. I felt sure by now he would have been furious, intent on punishment, instead, he simply smirked at me turned on his heal and walked back towards the door.

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