Chapter 17

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The dance went on until curfew hit and the music cut out suddenly. There was an announcement over the PA.

"That's it folks, our time for tonight has come to an end, hope you can all join us again soon, goodnight"

I looked up at Eric and my eyes must have said everything my heart and heart were thinking. He quickly took hold of my hands in his and turned us around to face the door. As he began to move I realised my worst fear may not be about to happen, in fact what was to happen was to be the perfect end to a perfect night.

"Lets go" Eric said as he continued walking.

The fact I should be heading home, that if I a German girl was caught out after curfew had completely left my mind. All I could think about was where was he taking me. My heart raced and I concentrated on my breathing so not to pass out. I felt light headed but in the best possible way.

After about twenty minutes of walking we reached our destination. We exchanged a few smiles and he squeezed my hand in reassurance more than once during the walk. By now not only were our hands touching but our bodies were also touching. I only wished he had put his arm around me, to claim me as in this moment I was utterly his.

We walked into a small apartment. It was sparsely furnished with a small couch in front of an open fire, a coffee table and a kitchenette in the corner. There were two further doors, the one to the left looked like from the small opening it went to a bathroom, the other I guessed the bedroom although it was shut so I couldn't be sure. I hoped as I stared at the door this would be where we would finally end the evening. I knew however Eric was a gentleman and although we had already shared a kiss I wasn't sure if he would take us there.

He touched my hand to turn me around to face him once the door was shut.

"tell me if you want to stop, or if its too much" he said.

There is was the words which confirmed he was of course the man I knew him to be. I knew in that instant I wanted all of him, every last bit and nothing would hold me back. He ran his hands up my arms reaching the cap sleeve of my dress. I felt my heart flutter again as I momentarily held in my breath. Just as I was about to breath I felt his lips crash onto mine. For a second I was motionless, allowing myself to enjoy the soft feeling of his lips. Then I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip. I parted my mouth slightly, enough to allow him access. his tongue slipped into my mouth and we kissed deeply. Passionately.

Whilst still kissing I felt his hand reach around to the back of my dress, undoing the top clasp. I didn't flinch for fear of it stopping him. Inside my stomach did somersaults at what was happening. our lips parted and we stood staring at each other. I knew I wanted him, so before he could move I tugged his shirt out from his waistband. With this he moved his kisses own my neck. I moved my head slightly to the side to allow him better access. As he continued to kiss me I began to unbutton his shirt until it fell away over his shoulders.

In between his kisses I opened my eyes an admired the bare chested sight in front of me. he was a god, with muscles in all the right places. My eyes moved down to the bulge I could now see in his trousers. I pulled my body in closer, moving my hips into him, hoping that this would move things forwards further. Eric briefly stopped kissing me.

"Lets go into the bedroom" Eric said with a  soft smile across his face.

I didn't object. The bedroom was exactly where I wanted to go. I followed him into the bedroom not letting go of his hand. Once in the bedroom our kissing became frantic, no longer loving but desperate. We both knew where this was heading. As Eric removed my dress he pulled my bra off then my pants. I was completely naked and he stood just looking at me for a moment. He then played me down on the bed before removing his own trousers and underwear. Then he straddled over me on the bed. We began kissing again moving our bodies until they were completely touching. As we moved against each other our bodies took over and what I had been waiting for all night finally happened.

We had sex.

When we finished we just laid next to each other, our hands still in twined. What had just happened was amazing. It was everything I had hoped for and more. I knew this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, yet wondered if it was even possible. Eric was like no man I had ever met before as within a second of me doubting what future we could have he was speaking.

"I want to see you again and again and again, is that ok?" he said.

Of course it was ok, the thought of not being with him, of not doing that again was completely unbearable. I would do anything to be in his arms night after night. I knew it would not be easy, the war made movement around Germany difficult and leaving Germany was out of the question. He was here on assignment but who knew how long that would be for. What i did know was I wasn't going to waste anytime that we did have procrastinating about the what ifs. This was real, I'd known since the first time I met him he was the one for me. The war that brought us together had also stopped us being together for too long already.

"I love you Eric" I blurted it out.

I looked at him for what seemed like an eternity wondering if I was way off mark, had I read the situation completely wrong?

"I love you too"

They were the last words that I heard before we began passionately kissing, again having sex affirming our love for one another.

The day when Eric had to leave came too soon. We had seen each other everyday since the night of the dance. I spent most nights at his apartment, in his bed, where I was meant to be. My father knew I was seeing someone but never asked any questions. Mrs Set however bombarded me regularly with her interrogations. Not that I gave her any information. She forgot the war had taught me many things and one was how to avoid questioning.

Tears filled my eyes as I kissed Eric again knowing this was to be the last time for a while they would meet. He was leaving to go back to England and I was unable to join him. I could not leave without my fathers permission before I was twenty one and I know he was not going to give me this. I had of course tried to bring it up before suggesting that moving away after everything that had happened might be a good way to move on from all the hurt. He however had scoffed at the idea and we had not discussed it again. as Eric left I couldn't breathe. time stood still as my heart felt like it had stopped beating. I knew we would be together again soon, that as soon as I could I would leave to join him, ut it didn't seem like enough. Tears began to fall down my cheeks and before I could move Eric ran back and kissed me one final time.

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