3: a jock's secret

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Elias King was quite an idiot for a nerd. A cute idiot. (I'm going to pretend I didn't just say that). He literally stood there without moving as Mitch kicked the ball across the oval and right into his chest. Elias must have really been spaced out. Or really concentrated on looking at me. The thought of him admiring my body made warm tingles spread through my body. I pushed that thought away.

I collapsed backwards on my bed, letting my dirty soccer shoes drop on the floor beside me. I needed to shower. I roughly ran my hand through my hair, something I often did when I was annoyed or pondering. It made my mum yell at me. She was forever attempting to tame my mane. But it refused each and every attempt.

As I stared up at my ceiling my thoughts wandered back to Elias. I wondered if he knew who I was. I knew him as he was the chess champion at our high school. My friends mocked him and his glasses but I secretly wished I could play a round chess with him. You see, my grandfather had taught me how to play and I actually loved the game. The way it challenged you. But I couldn't go the chess club while holding the identity of a jock and I couldn't let go of being a jock for fear that it becomes obvious. My gayness.

Only grandfather knew. He was the one I was closest to. We played chess and I told him of my primary school boy crushes. Until he died and by then I knew better then to talk to anyone about my boy crushes. Now there was no one. No one who I could confide to. No one with whom I could share my secret. That however many girls I flirted with at the parties and however often I lifted weights, I was completely and utterly gay. I like boys, I had always liked boys, and none of the high school girls could change that.

I was lucky that my jock label made me pretty much immune to any gay accusations. And the fact that I was attractive enough that the girls made up rumours that I'd gone out with them or kissed them just to make other girls jealous. When in fact, I had never taken a girl out on a date, or kissed one for that matter. Girls I liked as friends. Nothing else.

I shifted on my bed restlessly. Elias was a mystery. I had never talked to him before today but somehow I had always been aware of his presence. He wasn't small and scrawny, in fact he was rather fit for a nerd and for a second I wondered what he would look like shirtless. I shook my head to rid myself of the thought.

I had often seen Elias walk past the oval during our soccer trainings. Perhaps it was faster for him to get home if he left that way, or perhaps he secretly wanted to join in. Although considering his skills at either catching or dodging a soccer ball, I seriously doubted that. Perhaps he was looking at the players. Maybe a relative? I couldn't think of any of the players with the last name King.

"Too busy ogling Axel" Mitch's annoying voice rang in my head as I remembered his comment. But that couldn't be possible. I wasn't the most attractive on the team (in my opinion) and Elias wasn't gay. At least, he had never come out as gay. And he didn't seem gay.

Did you seriously just think that? My brain commented to itself. I was one to talk. How could I say that Elias didn't 'seem' gay when I myself was a walking secret gay whom everyone thought was completely and utterly straight?

I thought back to Elias. He was always dressed well but not that well. He just didn't wear drab clothing. His jeans weren't dirty but that could just mean he put them in the washing more often then some of the other guys I knew. His chocolate brown hair wasn't styled in a particular way and I wondered if it was as soft as it looked. He wore tortoiseshell glasses which some guys said was nerdy but I thought he wore them well. He looked quite cute with them actually. Not to mention his mysterious grey eyes...

I had just spent the past ten minutes obsessing over Elias and how he looks and acts.
I shook myself and rolled off my bed, tripping over my muddy soccer shoes and made my way to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and I was about to hop into the shower when I caught my furrowed eyebrows in the mirror.

I turned and looked at my reflection. My light brown hair was all over the place from the frustrating mixture of feelings Elias had created in me. My eyebrows were furrowed and my lips pressed together. My mother always told my that I always looked so serious. The girl's told my my broody airs were charming. I brought my fingers up to my lips. I used to hate how pink they were. So feminine. I brushed my fingertips over them and wondered what it would be like to kiss someone.

I would die of humiliation if people at school found out that not only I was an actual virgin, I was also a lip virgin. I had always managed to push girls away just in time. And if it got out my identity would be destroyed along with my fuckboy jock vibe that made me immune to bullies.

I looked at my lips again. Kissing a girl was out of the question. I wanted to kiss a guy. But no one knew I was gay. So I ended kissing no one at all. I sighed. I wondered what it would be like to kiss Elias. His lips would be as smooth as his hair soft and I could just imagine the soft moans he would make in my mouth. He would be one of those boys who seem meek and innocent on the outside but then become beasts in bed. I could just imagine him tugging at my locks and pulling me hard to his body, his glasses askew. The feeling of a boy's body against mine own, all hard planes and edges, and having our groins pressed against each other....

SHIT. I blinked rapidly and drew my fingers away from my lips as if my hand was on fire. I stared at my flushed reflection in the mirror. What the fuck was I just thinking about. I glanced down my naked body and let out a very unmanly squeak. Holy shit. This was not good. This was bad. Very bad. I needed to avoid Elias in the future at all costs. He could be straight the same way I was supposed to be straight but I couldn't take the risk of being outed. I had a feeling he could break my walls. And bring me and my reputation down. But for now I had other things to bring down. I definitely needed that shower. Cold, preferably.

A/N: omg 3 chapters in one day!!!
So do you like Axel's POV? What do you think of him?
That innuendo at the end though 😂
He's kinda like the Byronic hero (shoutout to my Literature friend babyrs07 hehe) with his broodiness and 'dark' mysterious secret. 😉
I didn't actually mean to write this much (1218 words!!) but then I (actually, Axel) had so much to say.
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