20: chasing after love

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A/N: I was going to have an updating break but this chapter follows straight on from the last and I finished writing it I thought you guys would appreciate an early update 😊

Elias (continued)

I sat in shock, tumultuous thoughts running through my mind. What Axel had just done, however daring and stupid and humiliating, just made me fall harder in love with him.

"Elias! Elias!" Steph was hissing at me.

"What?" I asked, trying to return to the present.

"You idiot, go after him!" She exclaimed.

"Should I? Maybe he wouldn't want me to follow him," I replied, hesitant.

"Are you serious?" Steph rolled her eyes, "He wouldn't have done that if he didn't love you doofus!"

"Really?" I began to feel hopeful.

"Yes, and since you love him you better chase after him before I kick your ass," she retorted.

I glanced at her stubborn face for a moment. I refrained from telling her that I was slightly terrified of an angry and avenging Stephanie. Could Axel really love me like I loved him? Only one way to find out. I was petrified with the fear of rejection. But if he had the balls to humiliate himself in front of the whole school then I'd just have to follow in his footsteps and face the humiliation of being rejected with a blank face.

"Fine. Fine! You're right!" I beamed at Steph, feeling excitement and hope blooming in my chest.

I just hoped I wasn't too late. That he hadn't moved on. Forgotten me. (I realise we only broke up two days ago but I'm insecure so shut up).

I jumped up from my seat and threw the remainder of my lunch in my bag before racing out of the cafeteria. Everyone had resumed eating noisily and gossiping on the latest news, in this case the fact that Axel Rowe, the hot fuckboy jock, the golden angel on the soccer team, was, in fact, gay. I quirked a smile as I thought about all the girls who had pretended that they had gotten down and dirty with Axel. They were totally exposed.

As I jogged through the empty corridors I racked my brain to think of where Axel could have fled. Then it hit me. I ran to the back of school, to the empty scrub that separated the buildings from the houses. As I emerged on the edge of the field, I squinted through my glasses. Sure enough, there he was. Beneath the large maple tree sat Axel, his knees brought up to his chest, his head bent over them.

I put on a burst of speed, glad that my running had finally come in useful. I came to halt in front of Axel. I was sure he had heard me but he didn't look up. I dropped my bag at my feet and looked down at his drooped golden mop and the way his body seemed curled up around itself. He looked positively depressed.

"Axel," I said softly.

He started and looked up in surprise. I realised that he hadn't expected me to follow him. He thought I was someone come to torment and bully him. There were tears in his eyes, his bronze irises were watery. His face looked drawn and tired, as if he hadn't been sleeping.

"I didn't know it was you," he finally murmured.

"I couldn't let you just leave like that, could I?" I smiled slightly.

Axel shook his head, not seeming to register my words.

"I fucked everything up. Now I've lost everything," he spoke in a broken voice.

"Not everything," I whispered but this time he seemed to hear me.

I extended my hand down at him. For a brief moment I had a flashback of the way first Lucas and then Axel himself had helped me up. Now it was my turn to be the stronger one.

Axel looked from my hand to my face with a mixture of hope and disbelief. As if he was scared to believe something as it was too good to be true. Finally, hesitantly, he reached out his hand and grasped mine. I noticed fresh scabs on the back of his knuckles, as if he had lost a fight with a wall. I recalled my mum's comment that there seemed to be a blood stain next to our doorbell and I felt overwhelmed by a sense of guilt. It must have been when I broke up with him.

I held his hand tightly. It was warm and rough and familiar. His eyes pierced through me, trying to figure me out. I pulled him up to his feet. I must have used more strength than necessary as he stumbled forward a bit and we ended up inches away from each other. He looked me in the eyes. I still held his hand. I couldn't bring myself to let go. I just couldn't.

A/N: another shortish chapter but things are moving along quite quickly now...
What do you think Elias is going to say to Axel? What is going to happen?? 🤔 *dun dun dun*
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