Epilogue: gender doesn't matter

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A/N: OMG THIS IS SO LATE I'm SO sorry this has taken a while to publish... I have just started my last high school year so I am extremely busy all of a sudden but here it is. 😊
I can't believe this is the end 😭 but I suppose all good things come to an end... right? 😏



"I'm hungry," I whined as I watched Elias towel his hair dry after our shower.

I was sitting on the edge of his bed, jeans back on but still shirtless. He was the same.

"Ok, let's go check out what's in the kitchen," he smiled and threw the towel on the back of his desk chair.

I watched him as he shook his unruly chocolate locks and slid his glasses back on. I took his extended hand and stood up, wincing as I felt my arsehole burn slightly from our recent activities.

"You good?" Elias checked, worried.

"Yeah yeah, you just have a big dick," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes but smiled back at me. He pushed open his bedroom door and once again we climbed his stairs, holding hands, except this time down rather than up, and not in a lustful hurry.

I bumped into his bare back with a start as he jolted to a stop at his kitchen doorway.

"Why are you blocking the way?" I asked, confused.

He didn't reply, instead moving to the side. I stepped to his side and froze. Shit. His mother stood near the sink, dishcloth slung on her arm, and a man who I assumed was his father sat with his laptop at the kitchen bench. Oh my fucking god. We were both shirtless, holding hands, hair damp. I couldn't see how we could be any more obvious other than being completely naked. Thank god we had at least put our jeans back on.

Elias cleared his throat awkwardly and we blushed with embarrassment under his parent's knowing gaze.

"You must be Axel," Mr King grinned and extended a hand for me to shake.

I nodded in reply, with an embarrassed smile, and shook his hand.

"What are you boys doing back so early from school?" Mrs King queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhhh," my mouth stopped working and my brain froze.

"There was an incident at school so we decided to call it a day," Elias saved me.

His mum nodded without pressing the case, and for that I was glad. I was too mortified to recount my coming out just yet. Especially since my own parents didn't even know that I was gay yet.

"Was there anything you wanted from the kitchen?" Mr King asked, drawing attention back to our present location.

"Oh yeah," Eli flushed, "We were looking for a snack."

His mum reached into a nearby cupboard and pulled out a cookie jar. Hell yes!

"Here you go," she smiled and handed it over to me.

"Thank you," I said, still not quite able to meet her eyes.

If only she knew what her son had just done to my poor no-longer-virgin ass.

"Don't stuff yourselves boys," she added, "Dinner will be spaghetti bolognaise so you need to keep some space."

"Oo yum!" exclaimed Eli.

"Oh and Axel," Mrs King added, "You can stay over for dinner if you'd like. Just put a shirt back on," she winked.

I flushed and bit my lip, all of a sudden embarrassed again.

"Thank you for the invite Mrs King. I would love to but I need to have an important conversation with my parents tonight so I should go home for dinner," I explained.

"That's ok," she smiled understandingly, "Just know you're always welcome over here."

Her husband grunted in agreeance and smiled kindly at me. I felt a burst of affection for Elias' family. They were so kind and accepting, just like my boyfriend, and I just hoped my parents would be the same.



I arrived in front of the school the next morning torn between running away or shitting my pants right then and there. After deciding to act like the mature seventeen year old I so was, I walked through the school gates, biting my lip. To my surprise, Axel was there, waiting for me. I could feel people's curious stares as he walked up to me in all his usual hotness.

"I told them," he beamed.

"Who? What?" I asked, confused.

"My parents," he rolled his eyes, "I came out to them, and they were fine with it."

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed, genuinely happy for him.

"Now they can't wait to meet my boyfriend," Axel winked.

"Oh," I blushed and looked away.

"Come on, we have class, and I've had enough of hiding," Axel grabbed my hand in his and turned back towards the school.

I squeezed his hand, the feeling already so familiar. Together we walked, ignoring the judgemental looks and curious whispers. Who cares about what the others thought? We had each other. That's all that mattered.

The End

A/N: OMG OMG OMG *screaming and waving my arms around in the air* THIS IS THE END *starts singing the Queen song* I CAN'T BELIEVE IT *nearly about to burst into tears*. 🎉🎉🎉
Thank youuu so much to the readers that stuck along for the ride and supported this story. Thank you for all your votes and highly entertaining comments that make my day; an especially HUGE thank you to my biggest fans: babyrs07 , RootBeerFloatsYum , AndrewHass , prim768 , I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊
So I guess this is goodbye 😢... but WAIT!! Before you Archive Checkmate, read the prologue for my spin-off book title Secrets starring Zedd's story.
(Oh and remember to vote and comment this epilogue 😉💞)

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