14: a movie & some wood

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A/N: above is the trailer for Little Women, the movie they watch.


Elias and I took our seats in the cinema's slightly manky red plush chairs. It was the town's main cinema and had been there for as long as anyone could remember. As a result, the once bright red cushioned chairs had dried spilt soft drink stains, grease marks of popcorny fingers and untucked red stitching from the wear and tear of arses. But they were still relatively comfortable, the cinema showed good movies and the popcorn was tasty so people kept going.

"So what are we watching?" Elias leaned over the armrest to ask me.

I hadn't told him to keep it a surprise.

"Little Women," I smiled.

Before you say that it's a boring classic for girls, it's really not. Elias had read the book and me too as it was part of a must-read reading list my grandfather had given me when we was in hospital. We had both enjoyed it and since they had recently produced a new version, I thought it would be a good one to watch. Plus, it was less likely that we would find people like Zedd and Mitch there.

"Oh my gosh yay!" Elias exclaimed eagerly.

We sat back and watched as the cinema darkened and the movie began. We didn't dare hold hands in case someone saw but we were pressed pretty close to our shared armrest. We were halfway through the movie, which was very good by the way, when Elias shifted in his seat. I jumped as I felt his hand on my thigh.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Shush," he replied, eyes remaining on the screen while his hand gave my thigh a small squeeze.

I gulped and watched apprehensively as his hand slowly moved higher up my thigh until it lay on the spot where my leg connected to my hip. Surely he wouldn't. Not in a cinema. And wasn't he supposed to be an innocent geek? My overthinking made my dick twitch slightly in my jeans. Damn it . It would be kind of hard to tell Elias to stop when my body so obviously like the attention.

I swallowed hard as his hand slipped over my groin and curved over the imprint. I could practically feel the heat of his hand seeping through my jeans, my boxers; only two layers of cloth separating his hand from my bare and slightly excited dick. I darted a sideways glance at him but his eyes were still fixed on the movie, a small smirk on his lips the only indication that he was aware of where his hand presently was. On my groin.

I gasped as he squeezed me slightly, palming me through my jeans. Fucking hell what was he doing?! I bit my lip to stop myself from making any sound as he teasingly stroked up and down my semi hard-on with the tip of his fingers. I unconsciously spread my legs a bit to allow him more access and my dick twitched in my pants as he cupped me fully. It felt so good. When he didn't move his hand I pushed my hips up slightly, rubbing myself against his hand which sent a shock of pleasure through my groin. I turned my slight moan into a cough. His fingers fumbled with my button but just when the feeling of apprehension and lust hit me like a wave, he removed his hand and placed it back on the armrest.

"What the fuck," I swore under my breath, "Are you serious?" I hissed at him.

He simply kept smirking while watching the movie. I huffed and shifted uncomfortably in my seat, cursing my decision to wear tight jeans. I couldn't believe it. Not only he touched me in public but then he left me semi-hard! Eventually I managed to concentrate enough on the movie so that the beautiful face of Timothée Chalamet, the French actor who played Laurie, as well as all the emotional crying and Beth's death, distracted me a sufficient amount for my dick to calm down and soften. But when the cinema lights turned back on and the audience began to leave, my pissed off feelings towards Elias returned.

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