Slenderman x reader

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I walk into the woods, crying. I hate my life. I have a happy home life with my mom and step-dad. My dad left us wen I was little. But at school, I get bullied and beat.

Leave them. A voice in my head whispers.

Leave. Them?

Yes. It hisses. Leave them behind. No one loves you.

They don't love me.

No one would care if you were gone.

They wouldn't?

No. It growls. Kill yourself. Find a rope. Hang yourself.

I need to hang myself. Find rope.

I stumble around, looking for something to tie around my neck as a noose. In the distance, I see someone in a suit, but I don't notice much else in my need to die.

Do it.

The voices clash in my head, some overlapping others. I grab my head, stumbling around the place like a drunk person. I then see an old jump rope on the ground, and grab it. I climb up the easiest to climb tree, and loop it around the branch. I then tie the other end around my neck, and go to jump. Before I can, something grabs my waist, ripping me out of the tree. I have no idea what happened to the rope. I am pulled face face to face with a faceless man. My eyes widen, and I struggle. He is holding me by one of four tentacles sprouting out of his back side. I go to scream, but I tentacle shoots into my mouth. I try to pull it out, but it keeps on going in and out, in a pumping manner. I see a mouth rip open on the lower half of his face, and a somewhat perverted smile appears.
If I take it out, will you stay silent?

I nod, and the tentacle slides out of my mouth, leaving me panting, and my chest heaving up and down. His face lowers, and it looks as if he had eyes, he would be staring at my chest. I flush, and cover my arms. Two of his tentacles grab my wrists, and pry them away from my chest. My shirt had slipped down a little, and the lower part lifted up a little, showing my stomach and curves. I personally hated my curves, because everyone at school called me fat.
His last tentacle raises up, and slides over my figure, and I tremble. I blink, and then I'm in a blood red room, with a large bed in the center, made of black silk sheets, and candles laying around the room.
I look back up, and see the thing in front of me, place me on the bed.

Are you okay with this, child?

"As long as you don't hurt me." I shakily whisper.

My name is slenderman, Y/N.

I nod.
He takes off my clothes, and presses a tentacle against my womanhood, stroking my clit. I clench the bedsheets. I stare at slenderman. He leans down, and a tongue slips out of his mouth, wetting my entrance even more than it already is. I quietly moan. One of his tentacles poise in the air, and lower to my entrance. I see it slim out, getting skinnier at the end. He slowly pushes it in, and I cry out in pain. He pumps in and out of me with his tentacle, reaching places that make me let out lewd moans. He takes out his tentacle, and pulls of his suit, and boxers. I see his bulge, and it is so huge, that it makes his loose boxers practically skin tight. He pulls off his boxers, and his member springs out. Two of his tentacles wrap around my breasts, pulling and kneading, and I whimper in pleasure. He places his member on my entrance, and slowly pushes in. My back lifts up a little, and i wince. He then pushes the rest of his huge member in, and I scream in pain. He stops for a minute, and then slowly moves out. He pushes back in, and pleasure fills my whole being. I moan, and he moves in and out even faster. I hold his arms, and he leans down, kissing me. I hesitantly kiss back, not knowing what to do. He makes one long stroke, and I scream out in pleasure. He pounds into me, hitting my special spot each time. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pounds. I feel a warm pool growing in my stomach, and I moan. He throbs inside of me as I clench. He groans, and my back arches as I release on his dick. He thrusts a few more times to ride out our highs. When were done, he covers us with the silk blanket.
Do you want me to get rid of the ones that hurt you?
I tiredly nod, my eyes droopy.
The last thing I feel is slenderman nuzzling into the crook of my neck as I fall into a deep sleep.

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