The game

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All of us would first gather at school then we would go to our campsite. I put everything I needed in a big grey bag and headed to school.

In the classroom
"Hey Taehyung how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. I'm so excited for the trip Laura. It's gonna be so fun."

I ruffled his hair because of his cuteness but I could feel a really strong stare behind me. I felt scared of Jungkook these days. He didn't talk to me ever since that day I left the classroom. I'm scared that one day he's getting too angry and he's gonna attack me.

After the 2 hours bus ride, we arrived. We have been here before too, our school chose the same place every year. It's in a really big forest which I would never dare to walk into it alone.

"Okay everyone, go to your room now and put down all your belongings. We will meet here again at 10:30 later."

We all ran to the building and went to our own rooms.

"Wow this is so big."

"I'm so excited for a pillow fight tonight."

"Damn this room is tidy."

My friends shouted behind me while I'm really excited to see my room on the fourth floor.

There were no one on this floor. It seemed really really creepy. The corridor got no decorations and there's spider webs at the corners.

"What the fuck," I murmured as I saw those spider webs.

I found my room with the tag 'Leader's room'. I opened the door and it creaked which made everything scarier. I went to my bed to put down all my belongings. Well the whole room is really clean and well-organised. But the only problem is that when the door was opened, it creaked. When I walked on the floor, the floor creaked which made those weird sounds and I hate it. I'm scared of sleeping in this room now.

I checked my watch and saw it's 10:32 already.

Oh shit

I quickly ran to the door and went downstairs.

For the whole day, we played a lot of activities which required a lot of teamwork and the last game of the day was the most tiring one.

"Okay everyone, in this game, there will be two parts. Each team needs to choose two persons to participate this game, it must be one boy and one girl. Those two can decide by themselves, whether the girl do the first part or the boy do it. There will be a lot of things put in the road to stop you from going on. Now go choose two persons from your team."

Everyone gathered in groups and unluckily, I was in a group with Jungkook.

Our leader, Lanna asked, "okay who wanna go?"

"Jungkook oppa, I think you should go."

"Yeah oppa you're the strongest in our group!"

Jungkook scoffed, "sure guess I'm the best choice."

Aish what is that attitude.

"Okay boy is chosen, for girls who go?"

There were three girls in this group only, Lanna, Hui and me.

Lanna said, "definitely not me cause my leg was hurt last week and the doctor said I can't go into the water."


I asked, "wait there's water? Like we need to swim?"

"Well I saw there's a part that you need to walk on the soft thing on the water. Guess you will fall into the water cause it's very wet."

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