Chapter 1: Bringing Him Home

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Qrow: "Way to break a kid's heart, Tai."

After telling Ruby that they can't keep BT, she was frozen in shock, causing her uncle to carry her back home.

Taiyang: "Don't blame me, we barely even know what that is! For all we know, it could be some rogue Atlesian prototype."

Qrow: "Atlas couldn't have made that, its tech looks superior to what Jimmy has. Artificial Intelligence hasn't even been achieved yet."

Taiyang: "What are we supposed to do anyway? Do we call Ironwood and say, 'Hey James, we found a robot in the forest last night, come check it out.' Cause I doubt he'll come."

Qrow: "What other choice do we have? If we took it to the junkyard, the tech could be salvaged for the black market. I'll call Jimmy and try to convince him to get over here."

Taiyang: "What am I supposed to do?"

Qrow: "You're gonna get that mech back to the house."

Taiyang: "What?! You can't expect me to bring a 40-Ton robot to the house!"

Qrow: "Be glad I gave you the easy part of the job."

Taiyang: "Easy? How is this easy for me?"

Qrow: "Tai, just follow the plan, besides, think of it as payback for making me wear a skirt back in Beacon."

Taiyang: "You're still holding a grudge against that?"

Rose/Xiao Long Household

After dropping off Ruby at the house, Qrow soon left to contact Ironwood. Taiyang sat on the couch, thinking about how to bring the metal behemoth to the house.

Taiyang: "I can't bring that here by just strength. I'll break my back easily."

The man kept on thinking for a couple of minutes, until finally reaching a conclusion. He picked up the scroll and dial a number of a certain huntress.

???: "Hello? Who is this?"

Taiyang: "Hey Glynda, it's Taiyang, can I ask for a favour?"

Glynda: "What favour would that be?"

Taiyang: "I need you to use your semblance on something, to be specific, I need you to carry something."

Glynda: "May I ask what it is?"

Taiyang: "You'll see when you get here. Goodbye."

Taiyang then hung up and went to bed. Glynda however, was confused, what was it that Taiyang needs help with? She took her mind off it and went to bed.

Grave of Summer Rose

It was now morning, Ruby and Yang were already driven to school by Taiyang, Glynda had arrived on Patch, and Qrow is still trying to get Ironwood.

Taiyang and Glynda were now heading towards the crash site. Both were wearing coats, due to the cold temperatures outside.

Glynda: "Are you going to inform me of what I need to carry? You've barely said anything about it."

Taiyang: "I told you, you'll see."

They finally arrived at their destination, and Glynda did not expect to see a giant robot in a crater.

Taiyang: "BT, this is Glynda Goodwitch, she's gonna help carry you back to my house."

BT: "Noted."

Glynda: "What is that?"

Taiyang: "It calls itself a Titan, says it's from a different world."

Glynda: "Ridiculous, space travel hasn't been achieved yet."

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