Chapter 14

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Edited 05/30/21

Meadow was on a rampage. After dealing with Paul, her temper had not settled, and she was more than ready to bite into someone else. She hoped that the next person who got in her warpath was someone she had a problem with. Otherwise, she was going to hurt an innocent person's feelings. There was just so much anger pent up in her and all of it wanted out. She couldn't help but be very sour about Paul's explanation. Honestly, who were they to determine anything involved with her life without consulting her. She wasn't some puppet or pawn in whatever legend, story, or magic they were spouting. She was a human being with thoughts and feelings, even if she didn't show them as often as others did.

She parked in the driveway of her house and slammed the door to her car shut with enough power to rattle the pitiful thing. She stormed up to the house and rushed in, shaking the doorframe with the force she used shutting the door. She spotted Jacob rounding the corner to investigate the noise with a bag of chips in his hands. He rose an eyebrow at her to which she gave him a pointed look. He snorted and said, "What's got you in such a sour mood?"

She took a step towards him and balled her hands into fists. Her whole body tensed and beads of sweat rolled down the side of her face.

"What's got me in such a sour mood?" she repeated with venom in her voice. "You and everyone else!"

"I haven't done anything. You're the one running around screaming at everybody," Jake said heatedly.

"Says the one who couldn't get away from me fast enough after phasing into a big hairy beast!" she yelled. Jacob stilled and his eyes narrowed into slits.

"He told you," he said as calmly as he could. He was shaking, though, and barely had a grip on his temper.

"Yeah! Because no one else would tell me anything! It's sad that I have to find these things out from strangers rather than from my own family, especially since dad's known for quite some time!" she screamed. Her body felt like it was burning, like she was a candle wick lit by a lighter. The world was shaking around her as if an earthquake were ravaging the ground. She placed a hand to her forehead as it pounded and throbbed. Her other hand grasped the wall beside her.

"MeMe, calm down," Jacob said after reigning himself in.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?! I'm tired of being quiet about how I feel! None of you seem to want to take into consideration my feelings! You just assume you know what's good for me!" she yelled.

Jacob inched closer to her, though he minded how fast he did so. He didn't want to upset her even more. It would be bad if she didn't calm herself.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Jake said with his hands held in a position of surrender. "I wasn't allowed to tell you, but I would if I was."

"What, did dad tell you not to? Or was it Sam?" she asked with bitterness.

"It doesn't matter who it was, MeMe," he said. "All that matters is that now you know. No more secrets between us."

She scoffed and turned away from him. She took a breath in, and her nerves calmed down just the slightest. She was still very much unhappy with how everyone dealt with the situation; however, she wasn't that upset with her brother. It wasn't like he was the center of all her problems.

"There are no more secrets?" she asked. "Nothing else I should know about?"

Jake shook his head and said, "Nope. That's it."

Meadow nodded her head and pursed her lips. She let out another breath.

Then, the door opened and in stepped her dad and Sam. Upon seeing them, her vision grew red, and her hands balled into fists. Her shaking got out of hand and her skin was so hot to the touch that it was as if she were bathing in the sun. She stomped towards them and jabbed a finger in the middle of them.

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