Chapter 34

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Edited 05/31/21

Meadow was outside stretching when Billy called for her by the front door. He looked serious and waved her to come inside. Meadow held her stretch for another count before she shook her body out and followed Billy into the house. He made himself comfortable in the living room and gestured for Meadow to sit on the couch. She followed his gesture and waited for him to speak.

"I know you're going to challenge Sam soon for the Alpha position," Billy started. "Before you do it, there are a few things you need to know about."

"I already know about the Voice, if that is what this is about," Meadow told him. 

"How?" Billy demanded. 

"The ancestors," she answered. "A few months ago, they visited me in my dreams and mentioned the Voice. It wasn't until a later dream that they explained what was going on. The anger of the ancestors is corrupting Sam's mind. They don't want him to be the Alpha anymore because Jake and I shifted. Blacks are the rightful holders of the position, and since Sam refuses to give up the position, the ancestors grew angry, and their anger manifested into something horrific. As long as he is still Alpha, his mind will deteriorate until he is senile."

"They trust you, then," Billy said. "I am glad. However, there are still some things you should know for your upcoming fight." When Meadow remained quiet to allow him to speak freely, he continued. "I understand that sometimes you get distracted on patrols and during fights. I've seen you practicing outside to remedy this, and you've probably already figured out how to block every one from your thoughts. This ia great skill to have during fights, but during your Alpha fight, it might hinder you more than help you. So, you can still speak to Sam during your fight."


"Only Alphas can speak to one another when the mental block is up. However, the link isn't like it is supposed to be. An Alpha must want to speak to the other Alpha, and vice versa, for it to work," Billy said.

"So, the Alpha being contacted must accept the other Alpha's invitation to talk?" Meadow asked.

"Precisely," Billy confirmed. "This has been useful in the past when our brothers from the Makah tribe were able to phase."

"Why don't they phase anymore?" Meadow asked.

"I am not sure," he confessed. "The spirits' ways are mysterious. It is best not to question them."

"What happens when a new Alpha steps up? Does the old Alpha still have that power?"

"During a fight for the Alpha position, the two wolves fighting both hold that power. The voices of the other wolves in the pack are silenced, and only the voices of the two fighters ring clear. The winning wolf will retain that power, along with the position. During your fight, do not be surprised if Sam's voice begins to fade from your mind. It is a sign that you are winning; it is a sign that the spirits have already chosen their victor."

"Why didn't this happen when I challenged him the first time?" she asked, confused.

"It wasn't an official match. You didn't have permission from the council to do so, and from what Jacob has told me, the entire pack wasn't there to witness it. Those are the conditions that need to be met to challenge an Alpha, along with the declaration of the challenge."

"So, once his voice fades from my mind, I am declared the winner?"

"Yes. The fading of the voice is an indication the other is giving up; they are defeated. Whether they are consciously aware of it, or not, they are signaling to their opponent that they are overwhelmed and ready to submit."

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