Chapter 38

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Edited 05/31/21

Bella and Edward's wedding was beautiful, Meadow had to admit. They had it in the back of the Cullens house with lights and flowers hanging from trees. She noticed they had invited a few of their vampiric friends, which didn't upset her; she knew they probably would. What did upset her was that one of those vampires seemed to hold a grudge against the pack. Honestly, if the vampire's friend didn't want to end up ripped to pieces, he shouldn't have tried to kill Bella.

She attended the event with Jake, her dad, Seth, and Paul. She wasn't planning on taking Paul because she knew how he felt about the Cullens, but he didn't want her to go without him. She had rolled her eyes at his paranoid antics but had allowed him to come, nonetheless. He was handsome in his tuxedo and she couldn't help but admire him. Paul caught her eye and smirked at her. 

"See something you like?" he asked lewdly. 

"I do," she admitted, surprising him. He recovered and pulled her onto the dance floor. A slow song was playing and there were a few couples on the make-shift dance floor. She scowled at him and gave him a pointed look. He sheepishly smiled at her and led them into a dance.

"You could've asked me," she mumbled against his shoulder.

"I wanted to be spontaneous," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Isn't that what girls like?"

"Some do," Meadow said.

"Do you?" he asked as he moved them in a circular motion. Meadow let out a small laugh and sighed.

"What?" he asked. He pulled back from her to analyze her facial expressions.

"You mean you haven't noticed?" she asked with a smile. "I don't really like spontaneity."

"Now that you mention it...," he trailed off.

"I think the gestures are nice," she assured him, "but being caught off guard isn't my favorite emotion to feel."

"I'll remember that."

She clarified and said, "It isn't my favorite emotion, but when it's you who causes it, I tend to let it go pretty quickly."

Paul smiled and said, "Are you admitting that you like my little surprises?"

She hummed and smiled secretively. Paul chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. She reciprocated the action before she pulled away shyly.

"My dad's watching," she said uneasily. They looked to the side to see her dad watching them with a gleam in his eyes. He waved at them when he made eye contact with them, and Meadow buried her face in Paul's neck in embarrassment. 

"Looks like your brother is looking, too," Paul said as he gestured next to her dad. Jacob was standing there with his arms crossed and a glare on his face.

"He's just jealous that he couldn't bring his imprint with him," she said slightly louder so Jake could hear her. They heard a scoff come from Jake's mouth and allowed amusement leave their lips.

"How is he with that, anyway?" Paul asked. "He's been pretty quiet about it in the pack link."

"He's making progress. Talia likes him, but she doesn't want to take things too fast. She just moved and just met Jake," Meadow answered.

"He talks to you about stuff a lot," Paul commented.

"He always has," she said nostalgically. "In a way, I've been his maternal parent. He was so young when mom died; he barely remembers her and the things they used to do together. And since Rebecca and Rachel left town as soon as they could, all he's really had is me for reference."

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