Chapter 20

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Edited 05/30/21

As the weeks went by, Meadow finally got used to her new lifestyle. She ran in her wolf form more confidently and she memorized the patrol routes so she wasn't constantly asking about them. She was still uncomfortable with getting naked every time she wanted to shift, but luckily, the boys gave her privacy. The only thing she was still unsure about was ripping apart vampires. She couldn't separate the creature from the appearance. She was forced, once, by Sam to rip a piece off a vampire a while ago. She was scared to do it, but Sam said it was something she needed to get over.

She was quiet for days after that incident and refused to speak to anyone. They didn't understand why she felt the way she did, so she didn't see the need to talk to them about it. She knew that to be a successful shifter, she needed to get over her fear, but it wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Other than that, everything was quiet. Well, except for the sneaky red-headed vampire that kept creeping onto the Reservation. It was the same red head who Meadow had encountered on her first day as a shifter. Anytime the vampire caught sight of Meadow, she'd smirk and taunt her with her facial expressions. It absolutely pissed Meadow off, but she couldn't do anything about it. The woman was fast and was somehow able to escape even the trickiest situations.

How did you catch and kill someone who could wriggle their way out of anything? Meadow felt like they needed to ambush her somehow. Obviously, the vampire would be able to smell them before they got a chance to pounce, but they could get her if they tricked her instead of vice-versa. They could confuse her and make her think there was only one or two of them when all of them were on her tail.

She sighed and ran her fingers through her short, black tendrils. She'd just gotten a much-needed haircut. Her hair had grown past her shoulders without her realizing it, so she'd gotten it shortened to a chin-length bob. Her face was free of bangs, and she felt the haircut suited her much more than longer waves. She looked out the window and saw morning take over the night.

She stood from her bed and stretched. She frowned when she heard a knock on the front door. She heard her dad tell the person to come in. Light flooded the hallway and her dad said, "Well, good morning, Bella. What are you doing up so early?"

Bella Swan. Another problem. She's been hounding Jake, Meadow, and Billy every day for updates on Jake. For a straight week after Jake's transformation, the phone rang every hour. It was annoying and got on Meadow's nerves. The worst was when she showed up and waited outside the house for Jake to return. She argued with him for about ten minutes in the rain until she took the hint and left. Meadow thought she'd given up, but here she was.

"Hey, Billy. I need to talk to Jake. Where is he?" Bella asked.

"Um, I don't really know," Billy said. Meadow rolled her eyes at her father's terrible lying skills.

"Do you know what Charlie is doing this morning?" Bella asked in a demanding tone. Meadow was starting to get upset at the way she was talking to him.

"Should I?" Bolly questioned.

"He and half the other men in town are all out in the woods with guns hunting giant wolves."

Meadow froze and listened intently to their conversation. Hunters would complicate things and there was a bigger chance of another human dying at the hands of the vampires lurking in the woods.

"I'd like to talk to Jake about that, if you don't mind," Bella continued. There was a pause before Billy spoke again.

"I'd bet he's still asleep. He's out late a lot these days. The kid needs his rest, so you probably shouldn't wake him."

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