Chapter 30

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Edited 05/31/21

Meadow, Jake, Embry, and Quil phased and ran back to the reservation as soon as they were done sorting out the details with the Cullens. As much as Jake wanted to stay and hang out with Bella, Meadow knew the rest of the pack needed to know what was going on as soon as possible. The earlier they knew, the earlier they could produce a plan. As soon as they crossed the treaty line, Meadow let out a loud howl to alert the others. She waited until everyone was present to explain.

What's going on? Sam asked impatiently. He circled around the four wolves before settling in front of Meadow.

It's Bella, Jake said. He paced back and forth before Meadow slapped him with her paw. He grumbled and sat on her left on his haunches. Paul was on her right, saddled up against her. Paul nudged her with his nose and licked her cheek. She swiped at him with her paw and rolled her eyes.

Meadow said, There's an army of newborn vampires heading to Forks.

An army of vampires?! Seth exclaimed fearfully. His brown eyes were wide, and his ears twitched. Leah, who sat next to him, took a step closer to comfort him.

They want Bella, Meadow said.

When are they coming? Sam asked.

A few days, at most, was what Alice told us, Meadow informed him. The Cullens want our cooperation to extinguish the army. I told them we would help.

That wasn't your call to make, Sam growled. He took a step towards her and raised his hackles. How many times do I have to tell you to stay in your place?

It doesn't matter. We need to help protect the humans around here. If we don't kill them then who knows what they'll do, Meadow said. We don't have time for petty and useless arguments.

We need to make sure they don't kill any more people, Paul agreed, backing up Meadow. You've seen the news, Sam. There's been too many disappearances.

Yeah, dude, Jared said. He looked at Meadow begrudgingly and then continued, We have to protect the Res. They could hurt Kim or Emily. We gotta do this for them.

Fine. We'll help the day of. For now, let's-

We're not just showing up the day of and fighting the newborns, Meadow said sternly, cutting him off completely. She didn't know what possessed Sam to say something so stupid, but she wasn't going to let his spew such nonsense in front of the pack. She wasn't going to let the pack follow those orders and get themselves killed.

Don't interrupt me! Sam yelled. I won't tolerate your disrespect!

And I won't tolerate yours! Meadow yelled angrily. Her hackles raised and her teeth clamped against each other. She snarled at him and raised to her feet. Everyone was silent as they watched the two wolves argue. They didn't want to get in the middle of it. Well, except Leah. She cheered Meadow on, egging her on to fight back against Sam.

Who do you think you are, Meadow! Sam shouted.

I am Meadow Black, next Alpha of this pack! she exclaimed proudly.

Says who?!

The elders and our ancestors! She showed him her memory of her dad telling her of the elders' decision and left out the dream she had. She had a gut feeling that she wasn't supposed to show him that dream. She showed him how he was losing control and how most wolves in the pack opposed his rule and favored hers. She put all her emotions into her memories, making sure they hit him with fervor. She watched him collapse under the pressure she was putting on him and watched with hard eyes.

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