Raphael Park

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We walked out of our apartment building and there was a black car with tinted windows waiting, "This is our ride Rosie, come on love." Thomas said as he opened the back door for me. I climbed in and took a seat as Thomas climbed in next to me. "Good morning Mr.Sangster, where may I take you both today?" The driver spoke through a gap between the seats. "Romford please Garry, near Raphael Park." Garry nodded, "And your lady's name is...?" Thomas looked startled, "Oh, how could I forget! This is Rosie, we met last night." Garry smiled at me, "Nice t-to meet you." I said quietly.

The ride was kind of quiet and awkward, Thomas closed the gap between the seats and put his hand on my thigh. "Are you alright petal?" I nodded, "Yea, just... thinking." Thomas pecked me on the side of my cheek, "about what?" I froze, I was thinking about telling him how I got those marks on my arms... I... maybe... "Just, stuff... nothing important" I replied, whimping out.

I sighed. Thomas gave me a hug, "well, were here Rosie. Thanks Garry, I'll call you when we need you. Take a few hours off, you deserve a rest." Garry nodded, "Have a great day you two!"

I stepped out of Thomas' car, we stood right outside a park. It was stunning! I've always loved parks in the spring, all the cherry blossom coming to life and the grass and leaves turning greener than ever, Its magical. I gasped in aw of the whole park, there was even a little river running through. "T-Thomas, this is beautiful!" I said quietly. "Isn't it just. Raphael Park is my favourite place to relax on my days off, its such a quiet little place." I looked up at him, his deep brown eyes sparkled with excitement and wonder as he gazed at at the scenery. All I could do was smile at him.

He took my hand and squeezed it tight, "come on, there's a little café up this path. I have a feeling you'll like it." I nodded.

We strolled along the side of the river and up the path, we talked about our careers and families. Just casual stuff. I kept thinking about last night, when he asked about the marks... I really wanted to tell him but, I... I don't know how too.

We reached a small building, it was modern looking. A couple of tables and chairs outside with shades covering them. We walked inside, it was all modern/wooden decor painted in pastel colours. There were wooden love hearts hung up around the edges of the room, little cake stands filled with wonderful cupcakes and sandwiches enclosed in a cold fridge. It was like something out of a movie scene!

I gasped, "Thomas, wow!"

I heard him giggle. "What would you like love, food? Drink? Both?"

I looked at the board menu, "umm, both?"

"Tell me what you'd like, I'll get your food. You pick out a seat for us blossom."

"Blossom? And erm, a sandwich a-and a pepsi please Tommy"

"Of corse. And, blossom is my new nickname for you..." he chuckled.

I chuckled. He got in line to order so I went and picked our seats, I chose to sit outside since it was a nice warm, sunny day. "Tommy, i'll be outside." I stated. People stared, but I didn't care, not with Thomas by my side. "Alright love, be out soon!" I heard him say as I took our seat outside.

About 10 minutes later, he came outside with a tray of food and drink for us. "I got a pot of tea and two mugs, just incase you fancied some as well as your Pepsi." He smiled. He pulled out a packet of cigarettes, my eyes widened. Of corse I knew Thomas smoked from pictures, I never thought I'd actually see him do it though. "Um, y-you don't mind smokers do you blossom?" I shook my head, "Nope, not at all." He smiled as he pulled one out the packet. I watched him light it, man did he make it look hot. He brushed his hand through his hair to move it out of his eyes...

Ohhh, wowwww... why are you so hot?

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