Meeting Dylan and Ki

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"Tommy, can I borrow a towel?" He nodded, "sure, come with me." He took my hand and lead me to his bedroom. I set my things down on the floor next to his wall length mirror while he got me a towel. I heard the shower turn on and Thomas walked back out, "I turned it on for you, it gets stuck sometimes. There's a fresh towel on top of the toilet blossom. I'm going to go finish cooking. Um, do you drink?" I nodded, "on special occasions yea" he smirked as he came closer, "Well... does an introduction to two of my friends count as a special occasion?" I giggled and stared at our feet, he lifted my chin up with his finger and raised his eyebrow, "I suppose so Tommy." I watched him close his eyes before he kissed my forehead, "I-I'm gonna get in that shower, don't let the food burn!" Thomas' eyes lit up, he ran back into his kitchen as I stood there giggling to myself "It didn't burn!" He shouted.

I did my usual shower routine; hair, face, body and shave. Before stepping out and pinching Thomas' robe while I dried my hair. "Rosieee, Dylan and Ki are on their way. You okay love?" I nodded, I ran over to him and squeezed him tight. "Are you sure? You've gone so shy." Honestly, I was nervous. I felt him pull me away from the hug, I grabbed hold of his hand as he did. He looked at me concerninly and took me towards his bed. I sat down on his lap, "If its too much I can cancel. I'm seeing them tomorrow either way." "N-No. I just feel sick that's all." "Too sick for a kiss and a cuddle?" I smiled. Honestly, I hate lying to Thomas but it wasn't a total lie, my anxiety makes me feel so sick sometimes. It sucks.

Thomas pulled me back onto the bed and we laid there cuddling and kissing for a while. He held his hand on my stomach and rubbed it gently, it honestly helped a lot. "How's your stomach now blossom?" "Its getting better, don't cancel on them just because of me." He moved his hand from my stomach and cupped my face. "But i'd do anything for you princess, whatever makes you happy." "Well it'd make me happy to see you hang out with Dylan and Ki. I need to finish getting ready, can I pleaseee be freed from this cuddle?" I joked but he pulled me in closer, "Tommy!" I moaned. "I'm joking love, go on. I'll pour you a drink, it might settle your nerves." We kissed one more time before he walked away.

I quickly dried my hair and slipped into my leggings and hoodie. To be honest, I was too nervous to wear the dress with the marks on my arms. I walked through to the kitchen and all three were stood there. "Well guys" Thomas spoke as he put his arm round me, "This is Rosie, my girlfriend." "Nice to meet you." They replied in sync. I couldn't help but blush as I buried my head into Thomas' side. "Hey, its okay to be nervous." I heard Dylan say. "Well, do you guys wanna go sit down? I'll bring food over."

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