Thomas's p.o.v

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Wow, Rosie is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad I've met her.

I've been single for such a long time now, I... I just don't know how to how to... be with a girl anymore...

She's so full of wonder and curiosity, she's so different to the other fans. She's calm, quiet, respectful... I like her... A lot!

She's been through so much but its only made her the strong, beautiful woman that she is today. I just love watching her sleep, how peacful she looks, the little grunts she makes when she moves to get comfortable again. Just... adorable!

I made a note of her birthday, May 6th... a couple days before mine! What a coincidence. There's been a lot of those with Rosie, I think that's why I've fallen for her. Anyway, I'm taking her away for her birthday, back up north where she's from. Not quite where she's from but, she talks a lot about some part of it called the Lake District, apparently its wonderful. So I'm taking her there for a long weekend, I can't wait to see her little face light up when I tell her.

I can feel her moving and making noises in her sleep, I think she's having a bad dream, "Ssshh, its alright blossom. You're safe, its me, Tommy. Don't worry beautiful." I said quietly as I stroked her face gently, I hate seeing her like this. I know its mad saying that considering we've only known eachother a day but, I hate it. She seems like such a happy girl at heart. She flinched before she woke up again, her eyes began to swell up, "t-tommy..." she croaked out before she hugged me tightly...

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered into her ear while I cradled her gently. I could feel her shaking so I hugged her tighter. "D-Dad... he..." I stroked the back of her head, "Its okay, your Dad isn't here love." I repeated these things until she stopped shaking. We sat there on my sofa together for a while, just cuddling, in silence until she spoke again...

"I-I should go, you p-probably have work tomorrow" She stuttered. I shuck my head, "No love, I told my producer I'm taking some time out. We're nearly finished anyway, its just the final touches." She smiled, but I could tell it wasn't her real smile so I kissed her nose... Then she gave me her real smile, god it's gorgeous! "There's that smile" I said cheekily.

"Come on, let me cook you some food blossom, its getting late"

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