In Love

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In love (Chapter 6)

*Disclaimer: I do not own any Victorious Characters*

(Monday Morning at Hollywood Arts)

Once the pair of Jade and Beck entered through the front doors, they noticed that plenty of students had arrived already. Just then, they were greeted by a very cheerful little redhead, "HEYYYYYYY GUYS!"

She runs up to Jade and embraces her. Jade quickly hugs her back but pulls away because she doesn't like hugs at all. She gave Beck a quick embrace, but not for too long, or else Jade gets jealous.

"Hey Cat, why the happy mood?!" Beck curiously asked. He pats her head like a puppy.

"Yeah why, it's kinda annoying!" Jade bluntly snarls at her.

"Because of ROBBIIIIE!" She answers innocently.

"HE asked you out?" Beck questioned with a warm smile. He specifically remembers telling Robbie to ask Cat out.

"Not exactly...I asked him out." She declares.

"And what'd he say?" Jade questions.

"HE SAID YES, DUH, that's why I'm SO HAPPPPYYY!!" Cat happily exclaimed.

"OH, RIGHT?" the couple wondered why they even asked the question.

They could tell that Cat was in absolute LOVE with Robbie, unlike the other boys she's dated. She has already updated her relationship status on her SLAP PAGE to 'in a relationship.'

It was a surprise that Robbie had a girlfriend. The whole student body labeled him as the prototypical geek at school. At the same time, Cat was viewed as a cheerful musician and actor, although she was weird. She was popular, especially with the guys at school.

The Curly head and the Little RedHead were complete opposites, but there was this special bond they had the first time they met. Even though he was a nerd, he made her feel special and loved, and that was all she could ask for. "Hey Beck, do you think I can talk to Jade for a minute," The Redhead asked.

"Sure, Cat," he looks at Jade and turns her head, and quickly pecks her on the head. "see you in class."

He made his way to buy two hefty cups of coffee before he'd head to his first period.

"Cat, what did you need to ask me?" Jade said with a pleasant smile. Beck warmed her heart; she felt like this was the most intimate their relationship had gotten since they reunited.

"OH, I was wondering if we could change the song for the performance."

"What's wrong with the song we have? That means we already wasted hours on it!" Jade snaps.

"Nothing, I-I just wrote a better song," the little Redhead quietly reasons.

"Y-You wrote a song? During the weekend?! How much time did you have in your hands?"

"Plenty! Also, I couldn't stop thinking about Robbie during the weekend, so I wrote a song for him, look!"

Cat handed her the lyrics of the song. "I titled it 'The Way,' please tell me if you like it!" She hopes anxiously. Jade read only the first few lines and already knew it was mind-numbing.

'I love the way, you make me feel

I love it,

I love it

I love the way,

you make me feel

I love it,

'The Start Of Something New'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora