Night to Remember

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Night to Remember (Chapter 9)

*Disclaimer: I do not own any Victorious Characters*

It was Dance Night at Hollywood Arts and Tori, Andre, and Trina had finally arrived at the lively costumed dance at their school. Tori cosplayed as Wonder Woman and Trina was batgirl, while Andre was the red and blue vigilante, Spider-Man. Once they set foot in the Asphalt Cafe, they saw a costumed couple approach them who were the lovely Beck Oliver and sadistic Jade West. The gorgeous, fluffy-haired Beck was the caped crusader, Batman, while the edgy Jade was the feline thief, Catwoman.

"Nice outfit you got there, Beck," Andre pointed out.

"Ahem, I'M BATMAN... I don't know who this Beck is," Beck tried to imitate a deep, dark 'Batman' voice, but he just sounded goofy.

"I could get so used to this," he laughed with Andre in his usual tone.

"He's been doing that the whole time since we got here," Jade annoyingly rolled her eyes at him.

"By the way, WHERE THE HELL IS CAT?! We need to practice the song again," she aggressively added.

The rest shrugged, not knowing where the couple was.

"What song are you two performing?" Tori questioned.

"Cat wrote this song... for Robbie. I really forgot what it was called, but it's pretty easy," she replied.

As they were conversing, Trina could see something in the distance. They came closer and the giggling was all too familiar to them. In the distance, Cat was on top of the curly head, piggybacking her towards their friends.

The fun-loving couple eventually dropped dead in front of the group, trying to take deep breaths to relax, but their laughter was continuous.

"Black Widow! I mean CAT!! We have to practice the song, one final time!" Jade sharply demanded. She grabbed the costumed heroine's arm and dragged her through the glass doors.

Cat was trying to catch her breath, "wait. OW, OW!! what- fine!!"

"Don't worry, we'll get you some fruit punch!" Robbie and Beck exclaimed to them. Once they got their drinks, Robbie immediately took a sip from it, but he spitted out the drink, realizing there was a Wiener in it. He had a disgusted look on his face.

"Forgot to tell you, watch out for the hot dog in the punch," Beck mentioned.

Andre was getting snacks for his date, and as he was doing that, he bumped into the geeky Sinjin, who dressed up as Captain America.

"Hey Sinjin, the nice costume you got there," he complimented him.

"Thanks," the blonde-haired geek awkwardly said.

"You got a date?"

"Oh yeah, my date is over there, sitting alone on the table." Sinjin pointed out the older vega sister.

"Your date is TRINA!"

"Yeah, honestly, I think she's finally starting to like me," Sinjin smiled until he heard an annoying scream from his date.

"SINJIN, WHERE'S MY FREAKING NACHOS!" the impatient Trina yelled. "COMING HONEY!" he immediately rushed over to her with the hot nachos.

Once Andre got the two warm nachos in his hands, he immediately rushed over to the brunette's side.

"Here are your nachos, warning, they are still HOT," he reached out to her.

She smiled at him and observed her food. "YAY, I got extra cheese!" Tori added.

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