Chapter 16

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عن قتادة مرسلا قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من الجفاء أن أذكر عند رجل فلا يصلي علي صلى الله علي وسلم أخرجه النميري هكذا من وجهين من طريق عبد الرزاق وهو في جامعه ورواته ثقات (القول البديع ص311)

Hazrat Qataadah (rahimahullah) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said It is a sign of a person being ill-mannered (and ungrateful) that my name is mentioned in his presence, yet he neglects reciting durood upon me.


How do you feel when there is a certain thing you wish never happens and that is the exact thing that happens? And to add to the misery you cannot do anything about it. Rehan looked at the people in the room, feeling the world collapse in front of him. His gaze landed on Rida who looked as shocked as him. Their eyes met for a fraction of second but Rida was quick enough to avert her gaze from his, but he was sure he saw something in her eyes which he couldn't figure out. He glanced at Kaif who had his eyes on Rida and he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart but he shook his head with a painful look.

"Zakir..." Rehan looked at Rida's parents who looked happy. He looked at Rida who was now looking at her parents. He smiled because he now understood what Kaif meant. She would never reject the proposal, not for her but for her parents.

He slowly moved away from there, because things had started suffocating him and all he required was fresh air. He walked out to the room and took a deep breath.

'This was all that you wanted right? Rida out of your life!' He heard his inner voice mock him and he shook his head vigorously

"I just wanted her away from the troubles in my life, not away from me." He whispered almost loosing his mind. He sunk down near his car feeling so much at a time.

"Rehan?" He heard his name being called and he took a breath when he realised that Kaif was searching for him. He got up from the back of his car and smiled at Kaif waving at him.

Kaif ran towards him while taking him in a hug.

"I did it." Kaif whispered and Rehan tighten his hold on his back and nodded his head not able to form any words. He moved away from Kaif and smiled at him. He could see how happy Kaif looked and he felt bad. He wanted to be happy for his friend, but he wasn't.

"I am happy for you." Rehan said smiling a genuine smile at his friend ignoring the pain that he felt.

Rida moved away from the living area not able to grasp anything. She felt that life was playing games with her. It was hardly three days back that she had received one proposal and now one more? And that too by the people whom she had known for a year.

She went back to the room she had been sleeping, not wanting to hear any more conversation that would take place in between their parents. She was hardly inside the room when an excited Sheerin bragged inside the room engulfing her in a bear hug.

"I am so happy, you are going to be my sister-in-law." Sheerin said with so much happiness that Rida cracked a small smile at her.

Rida glanced at Faiza who was standing a little away from them, with no emotions on her face. She shook her head in a no making Rida to look away from her. She very well knew what her sister was speaking through her action but right now all that mattered to her was her parents. She had rejected one proposal because she was not ready and had pained her parents though they did not show her, but she was sure if she rejected this proposal too, their family relation would be in trouble.

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