Chapter Twelve | "They won't forget me."

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That night Quinn went directly back to her room and went to sleep after examining the mockingjay pin for what seemed like hours. She had never had anything that seemed to expensive. Now it seemed sort of pointless that she had it, since she wouldn't have it very long.

The next day of training went by without a hitch. The only changes were that Ciruss had decided to eat breakfast with them even though Mags was there. Mags was nice to him, and she was nice to her-- but she didn't go out of her way to communicate with him. Quinn liked to believe that was because she understood why he didn't want to be around her. The other change was that she had her alliance decided, and she also announced it.

"Do you two know who you will be allied with?" Finnick had asked, hoping that the two of them had smoothed any problems over and we're going to be allies.

"Twelve, Eight, and the boy from Two." Arkon had replied quickly, and then everyone's eyes had landed on Quinn-- waiting a nod in agreement.

"One, Three, and the girl from Two."

"If the arena doesn't have a lot of water, they'll kill you right away." Arkon said sharply, his eyes were wide along with everyone else's.

"Well you weren't talking about alliances with me." Quinn retorted, "So I made my own." she finished as she took another bite of food.

"But the Career pack?" Arkon asked in reply.

"Four is a Career district, Arkon. You could join too." she replied sharply, but Finnick quickly ended their conversation by making it a general conversation about trust by asking them if they trusted their allies.

He didn't look disappointed, but Quinn could hear the slightest tinge of disappointment in his voice. Mags had a look in her eye that showed the same disappointment too. So the only problem with the third day of training was the thick tension between Quinn and Arkon. Although they did their best to stay on opposite sides of the training center, Quinn still felt like she could actually hold onto the tension and move it around with her barehands.

Then the next morning came early. Both Quinn and Arkon were rushed to get into a red and black athletic suit of sorts. Then they were escorted to the elevators, then finally to the bottom floor. Mags and a Peacekeeper went with Arkon, then Finnick and she assumed Damien went with her. The elevator was silent, and if it was even possible-- the tension was even heavier. It seemed to make the air thicker and also made it more difficult to actually breathe.

"Well, it's your time to shine, princess." Finnick sighed, a sad attempt to break the silence between everyone in the elevator.

Quinn snickered, but only to humor his attempt.

The silence returned and didn't go away until the elevator came to complete stop. The elevator doors opened and they all took a step out of the elevator.

"We'll be waiting for you, alright?" Finnick stated looking at each of the tributes.

Arkon nodded, "Yeah, okay." he said with another nod and then turned and left. Mags sighed heavily and put a hand on Finnicks shoulder and gave it a squeeze before she turned and walked the other direction.

"Finnick," Quinn started, "I have no idea what I'm going to do..." she frowned, "I have no real skill that will get me a good score."

Finnick frowned, "Who said you have to use a skill they taught you?" he asked, "Quinn you just have to make a impression. Preferably a good one."

"But how do I do that? I'm not outstanding at any of the stations." she said, her tone was shaky as she tried to hide the whiny-voice that was threatening to make an appearance.

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