Chapter Twenty-Seven | The Rebels Tribute

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The group of tributes stayed in the ridges for what seemed like day's. Calab kept watch most of the time, and Scout spent her time messing with things, seeing what she could do with it. She kept quiet after she explained to Quinn what happened the day they found her.

They had been camping in a valley just over the ridge, it was their worst nightmare. But there was a clearing in the middle of the dense forest in the valley, they were trapped there. During the day, they thought it was a safe place for camp, they thought the career pack as claimed the Cornucopia. So they figured if they camped in a forrest like that, they'd have more cover. The branches were at face level, so they got wacked in the face a few times each. During the day, it was perfect. But at night, it wasn't just their nightmare. It was the nightmare of every Victor outside the arena.

"Victor's Valley," Calab had added, a flat tone. An emotionless tone, the usual snarky, but assertive tone that Quinn had began to get used to was gone. "Every night we had to be back in the clearing, they couldn't go there. They could only stay in the tree's..."

Quinn raised an eyebrow, "Who's they?"

"The Victor's." Scout replied, "Every night they came out of no where, as soon as the anthem played. They'd appear in the tree's." she stated, "Victor Mutts. Can you imagine that? Being a Victor, you won to keep yourself out of them games and then you have to watch yourself kill more tributes?"

"That's how Arkon got that trident," Calab stated. "The first time we got into the tree's was at night, we thought it would be smart to travel at night. But your mentor, Finnick Odair was practically waiting for us." Calab's voice softened a bit, a tinge of fear became obvious.

Quinn felt her stomach begin to churn. She knew Finnick had been skilled in the arena, that was why he won! She couldn't imagine the horror he went through sitting, watching the games and seeing himself back in the arena. She didn't want to think it would set him over the edge, but she wouldn't be surprised.

"Him, Twelve, and One...they were all waiting for us." Scout said, "We barely got out of there. Finnick was after Arkon, nobody else-- just Arkon. They other's sort of just kept us at bay, it's almost like each mutt was only meant to go after the tributes from their district."

"Arkon had lost his grip on his trident when the wave came, I've never seen someone run so fast-- I'm pretty sure he broke his nose from the branches he let hit his face." Calab said, "But the mutt got nailed in the face with a branch that Arkon let snap back so hard that it knocked him off his feet."

"Arkon jumped him, wailed on him so much his face didn't even look like Finnick like it was supposed to..." Scout said quietly, looking at Quinn and glancing at Jakobb as he cringed a bit. "As soon as the mutt quit fighting back, Arkon grabbed the trident and we just ran till we hit the clearing."

Quinn couldn't stomach the idea of a mutt looking just like Finnick, a mutt that was meant to kill the District Four tributes. She didn't want to imagine Finnick being so ruthless-- she knew why those mutts were there. It was another thing to keep everyone in line. The tributes, the Victor's, and anyone else who might not want to do what the Capitol said. But for the tributes, and future Victor that faced them-- it was only a way to terrorize them. To break them down until they were nothing, until they were something that the Capitol could mold into what they wanted them to be.

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