21. The wise women

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"Fine sir, these are desperate times, you must understand that! They are rich and we have families to feed." Alan pleads, hands clasped together looking up at Killian.

"This is an innocent women, and the man outside was also innocent, be men and earn your own living." No mercy echoes in Killian's strong tone.

My clogged up brain clocks on that it means he found Sage and I smile slightly.

"We have families to feed!" Alan continues to beg, the tough man facade gone.

"And so might she!" Killian snaps, "She could be a mother to seven,"

And that is when I realise that he doesn't know that it is me.

"She is staying at the best inn!"

"That gives you no right, you don't know her life, and even if you did that is not an excuse to rob and hurt her."

The fire is alight and burning strong in his eyes.

"We will let her go, just don't report us!" The other man begs.

"No! I shall not let her go, we need the money George, think of your wife!" Alan twitches nervously but without backing down.

The loud interactions make my head pound like a thousand hands are knocking at doors.

Killian steps forwards, "Yes, you will."


Alan pulls his arm back and takes a strong swing at Killian's face, however with reflexes as quick as a fish turning in water, Killian's arm comes up stop it, holding Alan's arm up, suspended in the air.

When Killian speaks, his voice is deadly, "Never raise a fist at a knight of your county," He tosses Alan down to the side, who tumbles down to the ground in a pathetic heap. "you are a disgrace to your village."

"I'm truly sorry my kind knight, but please let me go, I mean to harm." George bows down to Killian who pauses thinking.

"If I ever catch wind of you men harming anyone again, I will come back and find you, all of you."

"But you will let us go this time?" The man looks up at Killian, towering above him.

"Only this time."

"Thank you oh forgiving knight," The man bows and scurries out the room.

Alan groans on the floor, and Killian turns to him, nudging him with a foot. "Run back home tonight, and tomorrow you shall pledge your services to Merik, free of charge."

"If I must," Alan grumbles.

"You must, now off with you."

Alan pulls himself out the door and I am alone with Killian. His demeanour changes instantly when Alan is gone, and I see his fuzzy figure slip his sword into his belt and crouch down next to me slowly.

"My lady, how are you feeling." I hear him say, his figure slipping to a fro in my vision.

The words don't form in my mouth and I don't reply.

"Okay, I'm going to take you to the inn and see if we can find the village wise women."

I nod my head but that just intensifies the pain.

He leans over and scoops me effortlessly up into his arms and carries me outside. The steady rhythm of him walking lulling me to sleep, the tiredness overtaking me and I drift in and out of consciousness.

When I come to, we are back in the inn and Killian is gently placing me on the bed in our room, tucking me under the blankest. Sage is here as well and I hear them talking softly at the end of the bed.

Headache now a lot fainter I can focus better on their words.

"When you brought her in, I asked Merik to send for the wise women to come and take a look at her, she hit her head pretty hard when I was with her in the building." Sage says.

"Thank you, I agree, she was pretty out of it when I got there, and thank goodness I did then, they were about to take off one of her fingers."

I see Sage's eyes widen. "Timing was perfect then."

"Yeah, also any sign of Leon? I couldn't find him."

"I ran into him just before I saw the girl in the alley, he told me he just needed some space and will be back in the morning." Sage covers for me and I inwardly thank him.

The drowsiness takes over again and I slip back into my slumber, only to be awakened after what feels like seconds by the wise women arriving. Sleepily I lift my head and see the old lady enter the room and start talking to Sage.

Killian stands stoically in the corner, dark bags under his eyes, and I wonder how long I have actually been asleep for. He suddenly catches me eye and we stare at each other for a few seconds before the women steps in front of our gaze.

"I'm just going to take a quick look at ye if thats all right my dear."

"Yes, that's fine," I croak.

"Can you open ye eyes and mouth wide?"

I do so and she peers down on me, "Okay, ye looking fine, I'm going to apply this healing paste to ye forehead and after that ye just need rest."

She reaches around her waist to an old leather satchel from which she pulls out a little wooden pot.

"What is that?" Killian steps forward, looking slightly concerned.

"This boy, is something that will help ye girl in bed get better, don't ask questions."

Killian nods and the lady smears the reddish paste onto my forehead with her wizened fingers.

"Thank you," I say and she smiles at me.

"Ye should be up and as good as new tomorrow if ye rest well now," She turns to Sage and Killian, "let the lady rest well, or else her health will not improve for a few days."

"Yes ma'am," Sage answers bowing, "thank you for helping us out at this late hour."

"It is my job, but I will be on me way now."

"Let me walk you out," Sage says, "its the least I can do for you."

And as quickly as she came, she exists with Sage, leaving Killian and I to ourselves.

"Thank you for saving me," I send a small smile to Killian.

"Was my duty, my lady, are you feeling any better?" He asks, coming and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I take in the sight of him up close and realise that he has a bruise forming on his cheek. "A little, are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine,"

"Are you sure?"

He looks me in the eyes and I blush slightly.

"I'm sure, however you that should be resting after all you've been through."

"Thank you again," My voice wobbles slightly, a lump in my throat, the after shock of emotions running through me.

Maybe he noticed, or maybe not, but either way he starts tucking the blankets up around me, bringing comfort to my tired aching body.


He stands and blows out the candle on the bedside table leaving only one flickering in the corner. And with that he walks out of the room and I fall back to sleep.


And everyone is back safe and sound all intact. Somehow Ella is going to have to turn back into Leon without Killian becoming suspicious, will she succeed? Who knows ;)

I'd appreciate it if you vote and comment if you enjoyed, I know I did! all the characters definitely grow on you over time!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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