24. Of course good knight

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"All right, there is going to be at least two men inside, maybe more," Killian whispers, "don't show your weapons unless they attack."

Sage nods and Killian opens the door letting light cascade down on us. Immediately there is a scuffle inside as two men leap up from a table grabbing swords from beside them.

I barely have time to blink before Killian's sword is also out and drawn, both parties now frozen looking at the other.

Killian is the first to talk, "Greetings on this dark evening, we come in peace."

From behind Sage and Killian I see the dark haired man nod, "We also mean no harm, we are good knights, but if you have the plague we will not let you in."

My pulse quickens, knights seem to be crawling in every square feet of the countryside at the moment.

"I too am a knight assisting these stable hands on their journey, none of us have the plague."

Swords are lower as they realise that they are both on the same side.

"Come in brother, we have plenty of room for you three."

We step inside and I subtly pull my cap further down, the light from the candles thankfully throwing dark shadows across our faces.

"Thank you." Sage speaks, "I am Sage and these two are Killian and Leon."

"My name is Alexander," says the dark haired knight, "and this is Godfrey."

"Are you two alone here or is there more of you?"

"We are alone," Godfrey speaks for the first time, "how about you men dry off and then we can share tales over a meal?"

"That's a good idea," Sage says.

"Go through that door and you will find two unclaimed rooms, we have taken the ones at the end of the passage."

Inside the house is a lot bigger than it looked from outside, of course the dark didn't help with my sizing up, but I still only assumed it would have four or so rooms including the kitchen. It's a nice surprise.

"We shall be back out shortly."

Without making eye contact with the knights I follow Sage to the door and we turn into a narrow passage, Killian comes in behind me and suddenly the passageway feels rather small, all of us crowding the space.

"See! This was a good idea," Sage grins.

"It was pure luck that it was knights here, things could've easily have gone another way." Killian says in a deadpan voice, "You two can stay in that room, I am taking this one." He shuts the door harshly behind him and I raise my eyebrows.

"Of course good knight." Sage mockingly says to the door.

"Lets get dry," I quickly walk into the room and plonk my sack down.

"I'll wait outside in the hall whilst you get changed,"

"I'll be quick!" I shut the door and change into a drier tunic and breeches, somehow water must've found a way in so everything is slightly damp but not noticeable bad.

"I've finished!" I call out and Sage comes in.

"I'm jealous of how dry you look."

I laugh, drying my hair on my old tunic, "Will the knights find it strange that I am wearing my cap inside?"

"Nah, it should be okay, it's a cold evening and you could be using it for warmth, I'd forgotten what you look like as a girl!"

I roll my eyes. "Get changed, I'm going to hang up my wet stuff by the fire."

"Be careful Ell, knights outnumber us tonight."

"I know, nothing we haven't faced before," I sigh letting out a small smile, this whole journey has been tense.

I smoothly pin my hair back up and throw on my cap before bundling up my clothes and taking them into the kitchen where Killian is talking to the other two knights around the table.

Power radiates from them all, even when they are relaxing, they are strong and dangerous, something I sometimes forget about Killian, especially when he is joking around and laughing with Sage and I.

Echoes of Anne's stories of knights ring around my head, I have to be careful, they do what want, helping only when it benefits them.

I lay out my clothes beside the fireplace, hopefully they will be dry by the morning.

"Leon, bring over our bread rolls," Killian says from the table.

I grab the rolls from the bag and bring them over, "Here you go."

"Thanks lad," Godfrey says, reaching for one.

As I'm taking a seat, Sage walks into the room and quickly puts his also soaking clothes by the fire.

"It's nice to be dry again." He laughs breaking the silence, "How long have you men been here?"

"We got here early afternoon and decided not to risk travelling tonight,"

"Good decision, and what brings you traveling in these darker times?" Killian questions.

Alexander lets out a short laugh, but with no humour in it, "Funny you should ask that."

"Oh?" Killian raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, our knightly services have been taken down from fighting battles to now chasing a maiden across the countryside."

Panic surges through me like a torrent of water and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

"Whoa a maiden, what did she do? Kill someone in cold blood?" Killian leans forward.

"We wish!" Godfrey exclaims.

"But no, this little girl decided to run away from a marriage to a knight, refused a lord she did." Alexander explains.

It's me. They are most definitely talking about me.

"Good Lord!" Sage says, "Why would she run away from a knight?"

"Yeah that's an unthinkable thing to do," My voice cracks very slightly on the last note but no one notices, and I sigh in relief.

"Exactly what we're thinking," Godfrey says, "good riddance to her, why the Lord still wants her back we don't know!"

"We've been combing through the countryside for days now, when we get our hands on her for wasting out God damn time..." Alexander trails off.

I gulp.

"Well, we haven't head or seen a run away girl on our travels," Killian tells them.

If only he knew.

"And neither have we," Sage adds.

"She's a little minx." Alexanders jaw clenches.

Godfrey leans over and whispers into Alexanders ear and he relaxes slightly.

"But tonight lets eat and drink during this dark night." Godfrey suggests.

"We can do that." Killian replies.

I just sit there, trying to look as normal and calm as possible, processing all the information and inwardly scolding myself for not recognising the horses in the stable. Although last time I saw them it was the middle of the night, I was wide awake and can still feel the terror I had then as I watched them from my hiding spot beside the road.

Because it is the same two who have been on my tail since the beginning, and both of their patiences are wearing thin. 


OooOoooOoooo things are getting tense, Novella's knights are catching up to her at long last *rubs hands evilly* the joys of being an author! 

Hope everyone's being safe and clean with the coronavirus outbreak, what's it like for you in your countries?

Anyways hope you enjoyed, if so vote and comment!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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