44. Dancing is my forte

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He sweeps me out into the square before I can respond, pulling me into a forming dance ring. I briefly have time to smile at the girl next to me before the music begins once more and bodies are dancing all around me.

It takes me a few moments of subtly eyeing my neighbours motions to learn the moves but once I do, I quickly fall into the rhythm and relax enjoying myself.

I raise my eyes to look at Killian and am pleasantly shocked.

"Is that surprise I see?" Killian asks stepping backwards as I step forwards.

"You are correct." I pause, to spin, "I was not expecting dancing to be your forte."

And I am surprised, because he cannot just dance, he can dance well, really well, far beyond what I thought he was capable of doing after his hesitance when I asked him about dancing before.

"I would not say that dancing is my forte however I was taught how to dance from a young age." He explains.

"Ah, I understand now, for banquets I am guessing?"

He nods as I step closer and start dancing in a circle around him, following the pattern of those around me.

"Yes, it is a skill that every noble man or maiden is expected to know well."

The music changes and I move backwards to my original position but don't stay there for long. This time I move with the bigger circle and find myself weaving in and out of women around the outside, similar to the style of maypole dancing. The skipping sends whatever cold left in me scurrying away quickly leaving room for blood to rush to my cheeks.

The music changes once again and this time I find myself linking arms with a completely random partner on the opposite side of the circle to Killian. Without time for introductions a new intricate form of weaving takes place, this time involving not only going around one another but also under arms held up above in arches.

Before too long I am with another partner, a young boy who has rosy cheeks and cannot stop laughing as we dance, his giggles infectious. We continue dancing for who knows how long, occasionally I cross paths with Killian on the dance floor but due to the energetic nature of the dances there is no time or energy wasted on conversation.

The fast pace however, does not last forever and finally the music slows down and I come to stop in front of Killian who to my amazement, is not out of breath at all.

"We meet again." I laugh.

He nods his head, "Indeed we do,"

"Fate has gifted us with a breather."

I look at the crowd or people mingling about around the square, searching for Sage's familiar sandy coloured hair. I spot it and am about to start heading towards him when Killian starts speaking.

"My lady, where are you going? The music has not yet finished."

I look at him and see his arm offered out.

"You want to slow dance?" I say raising my eyebrow.

"As you said before, Fate brought us together we cannot ignore her call." His dark brown eyes playfully laughing at me.

I place my hand in his rough one, worn down after many years of swinging his sword, my other goes to his shoulder whilst he places his free hand onto my waist bringing us into close proximity.

"You know that wasn't exactly what I said,"

"Breather, slow dance, are they not the same thing?"

I subtly step on his foot in response to his slight mockery.

"I'm sorry good knight, I am not well spoken in the language of dance."

Goodbye to the Knight✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang