29. Flint and steel

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"I shall lead the way with Sunshine, then you two follow." Killian says.

"W-wait," I blurt out just before he steps onto the first plank, "I should go first,"

Killian freezes, then slowly looks back, "And why should you do that?"

"Because I'm the lightest of us all,"

"We need it to be able to hold all of us," Sage says.

I shake my head, "If I go first we can get an idea of how much weight it can stand, if Killian goes with Sunshine they might be too heavy together whereas deepening on how much it can stand, I could easily take Sunshine and Winnie."

Killian slowly nods, "Leon, you make a good point, proceed."

I had Griffin over to Leon then slowly walk to the edge, my stomach doing a small back flip as I peer over the side. Cautiously I place my right food on the bridge and being putting my weight onto it, testing it. Carefully I make my way into the middle of the bridge, a gust of wind suddenly blows and for a moment I stand still, almost crouching to keep my balance.

"You good laddy?" Sage calls from the side.

"Yes," I shakily call back.

I make it too the other side and a let out a sight of relief and look back at the other two, "Its safe enough, we just have to be careful,"

Sage smiles, "Ha, this bridge cannot defeat us!"

"You can say that when we are all safely across," Killian chides.

I make my way safely back across and take Griffin back off Sage and watch as Killian crosses the bridge with Sunshine, who luckily has decided that it is time for her to behave. Sage follows with Winnie and it all goes smoothly until the end where I watch in horror as left Winnie's back leg goes through the bridge.

She stumbles, neighing out in fear, frantically moving her front legs, Sage barely avoids being trampled by her as she suddenly shoots forwards, safe on the bank but scared. I watch as the panic slowly dies and Sage calms down Winnie who starts chomping grass, her fear forgotten.

"You ready Leon?"

I nod, "I'm coming."

I get Griffin's attention away from his munching of the grass and start leading him over. The bridge creaks slightly but holds and slowly but surely we make our way across, carefully stepping over the hole left by Winnie.

"We made it," I breathe out in relief.

"Of course we did!" Sage grins.

"Come on, we must ride the last bit before night falls, we do not want to be riding in the mountains during darkness." Killian says, getting back up on Sunshine.

I hoist myself onto Griffin and start following Killian up the track, the adrenaline slowly dies in me, and the cold returns at full force. The mist has still not cleared so we are all forced to stick close together, however none of us are talking, in the back of all of our minds is the weather that has been creeping closer and closer all day, chasing us towards the heart of the mountains. The whole land grows dark far before the sun actually sets, darkening the energy in the air.

All I can see it the rocky track in front of me and the dark figures of my companions riding. A wolf howls in the distance, the sound echoing ominously around, and a chill enters my already cold body, anything, anyone could be lurking out in the darkness and we have no clue.

Suddenly the world seems a lot darker.

"We shall stop here for the night," Killian calls out, breaking the silence.

"Here?" I say curiously.


I look back at Sage who shrugs. We dismount, or rather I pitifully slide off Griffin, stumbling as I hit the ground, my feet numb with cold.

"Follow me." Killian leads Sunshine off the track, and I momentarily pause, is this where we get lead off into the bushes and die? The cold sways my head, I just want sleep and warmth. Killian blends in with the darkness, and I strain my eyes to keep track of him and Sunshine, who becomes a shadow horse in this light.

We finally come to a cave in the mountains side, a dark hole containing who knows what.

"This is where we are sleeping tonight?" Sage asks, drawing up beside me.


"Okay, I'll tend to the horses food and water?" Sage says.

I nod, then remember neither of them can probably see me do that in the darkness, "I can unload our bags from the horses,"

"Good, now I'm going to make us a fire," Killian wanders further in and suddenly exclaims, "Aha! I was hoping this would still be here, the remains of an old fire and there's dry sticks and leaves nearby in the corner."

"Whoop, whoop! We shall be warm tonight!" Sage cheers and I can't help but smile.

I grab the bags down off the horses, and realise with surprise, that I am actually finding all the lifting easy. Pausing the lifting for a second I feel my right arm with my left hand and laugh, I can feel some muscle there.

With new enthusiasm I finish unloading and grab our food, bringing it over to the fire which Killian has successfully started, allowing light and warmth to fill up the cave.

"How did you know about this cave?" I ask curiously, seating myself by the warmth.

Killian looks up, "I've used it a few times over the years,"

"Ah, so it was you who left the leaves and sticks?"

He smiles, "Yes. I like to prepare for the future,"

I grin, "Did you bring the flint and steel or was that also left by you?"

"Ha, I brought that one with me, far to useful to leave behind. Do you, city boy, know how to use one?"

I scoff, "Of course,"

He raises an eyebrow.

"I used to always light our families fire, so yes, I do."

"I never know with city boys."

"Well, this one knows his way around the flint and steel."

Killian laughs as Sage comes in.

"Blimey, it is cold, I need some warmth."

I move round the fire so Sage can sit down and he smiles at me, "Thank you,"

"Are the horses okay?" I ask.

"Yes, they're perfectly well, as hungry as the wolves that roam the mountains, but good."

"The horses should stay tied up near us, the fire should discourage any hungry animals out there." Killian tells us.

"I agree, also it will keep them warm," Sage pauses, "this storm thats coming, it's not a normal one, I believe its a snow storm."

My eyes widen, I haven't seen snow in ages.

"Why do you think this?" Killian prods the fire with a stick.

"I can smell it in the air."


Early update! Whoop whoop!

Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! Also a BIG thank you to everyone who is commenting and voting, each one makes my day!

Also I can't remember if I've said before, but I aim to update every Friday or Saturday however occasionally an extra mid week chapter is added!

Keep being safe!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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