Shotguns and Beer

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Fingers stroked through my hair as my head rested against something squishy. I wrapped my arm around the person's waist and moaned into their stomach.

"Good morning handsome," oh her voice. That voice that chases my demons away. I love her.

I took in her beautiful, blossomy scent and held her close. "What happened?" I mumbled into her tummy, caressing her love handle with my thumb.

"I hit Frederick with a pan to the head." I chuckled.

"Yes!" I lazily said triumphantly. "So ... how long have I been out?"

"It's ten in the morning, Thanksgiving day. But you have a fever, so I want you to rest." I melted in her arms and snuggled closer.

"I want you to stay here with me." I whined.

"I already slept with you last night."

"Oh? Did Frederick get knocked out before or after that?" She playfully smacked me.

"Before you pervert." I smiled and opened my eyes. I looked up at Diana and we kissed, relief falling over me that the voices were gone and that I didn't have to wash my hands which really hurt. Suddenly I winced at a throbbing sensation on the side of my head. I grabbed it and Diana said sorry.

"Your head's gonna hurt for a little while," I nodded steadily. I looked at the hand that had grabbed my head and sighed at the raw, red skin. "I tried to stop you," she said, looking at my hand as well.

"You're a brave woman," I chuckled. Hunter once tried to stop me from washing and I punched him.

Diana kissed the top of my head and I buried myself back into her arms. I lifted up her green sweater and began kissing her stomach.

"I brought some condoms if you want to put them to use." I said, still giving her tummy little pecks. Diana squealed and pushed me off.

"We're at my parents' Aeron!"

"So ... that means ... "

"No!" I chuckled and she giggled. She climbed out of bed and I felt empty and cold. "You need to brush your teeth and take your medicine." She ordered as she pulled her hair into a bun.

"Yes, mom."

"Don't call me that! I don't like feeling as if I'm ordering you around!"

"But you are," I climbed out of bed myself slowly gaining balance and added, "and I love how much you care about me." My hands grasped her arms gently and she blushed. She smiled up at me and I kissed her.

"If you keep kissing me you'll get me sick too!"

"Then maybe you and I can spend this vacation in bed together,"

"Aeron stop it!" She giggled as I growled and devoured her face and neck with my lips. "Aeron! I have rehearsals!"

"Rehearsals?" I immediately stopped. "For what?"

"Some of us girls put on a native dance for everyone when we meet up like this as a family."

"I'll be sure not to miss that."

"You better not," we kissed one last time before she left and I climbed back in bed.

I slept for an hour or two then took a shower. I brushed my teeth and took my medication then went downstairs in a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt that Diana had gotten me, and dark jeans.

I went downstairs to find Diana but ran into her family instead.

"You're Diana's boyfriend, yea?" An older woman, who looked just like Diana, came up to me with an overwhelming smile and tone of voice. I nodded nervously, unsure of what to say. "I'm her aunt Keaka."

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