Getting Shot

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Don't look for which one is right, but which is wrong.

That's what Frederick told me when I first met him.

Don't look for which one is right, but which ones are wrong?

That applies now.

"Aeron," I choked. "Baby?" His back was to me. His shoulders were going up and down heavily. The gun in his hands shaking. "Aeron." He slightly turned his head and I found a skinny face stained with tears.

I closed my eyes and thought back to how I got myself into this situation.

I finished work and climbed into my car then something was pressed over my mouth. It's only been a week since Aeron told me that I was on someone's hit list. They finally got me.

"Diana? Are you hurt?" I looked down at my leg and my vision grew a little blurry at the scrape on my knee that was oozing blood fast.

Earlier I tried to stupidly fight back. They pushed me down on the ground and I scraped my knee.

"I'm fine." I pathetically answered. Aeron growled.

"I swear to God if you hurt her—"

"Easy, Death Dose, she said she was fine didn't she?" The tall man in the dark suit, who I could only assume was Mr. Jasper, was standing in front of Aeron. He was the one my husband was pointing the gun at.

Aeron had placed a tracking device on my phone in case something happened. Something did happen, and he was able to find me.

The men who kidnapped me had placed a bag over my head. They had just pulled it off and now I was looking at the tense back of my husband.

"I'll kill you if you shoot her." Aeron warned.

"This is payback Aeron. Besides, she's just a girl. You can get a new wife. I can't get a new son."

"You're wrong." Aeron growled.

"Nothing's going to change my mind, boy,"

"Then why not just kill her when you found her? Why bring her here and let me find you?"

"I was there when you killed Erik! Now, I want you to watch someone you love die." My heart began to beat fast and I felt sweat dripping from my armpits to my love handles. My hands were tied behind my back with a zip tie. These things are impossible to escape from.

I looked at the back of Aeron's head and wondered what he was going to do. How he was going to get us out of this situation.

"Now, turn around so my wish may be fulfilled." Mr. Jasper added with a twirl of his finger.

"Kill me instead and let her go."

"No!" I yelled. I squirmed in my chair and Aeron fought the urge to look back at me, fearing that if he did, I would be shot.

"But I don't want you, Death Dose. I want your wife."

"Mr. Jasper," Aeron began, "In what way does killing my wife even you and I out in me killing your son? Do you know who really killed Erik? Do you know who paid me to kill Erik? Do you?"

Jasper was silent. He didn't. He was able to find the killer, but not the sponsor. Aeron was finding who was really at fault here. Who really killed Erik? Eliminate Aeron.

"Mr. Jasper, I know everything about your family. I once did a job for Erik. And when Erik was on my hit list, I kept things professional. Just because I worked with someone doesn't mean I don't turn against them. It's how I roll. It's how my mental disorders roll. I don't care. I don't care about life. You understand? But ... if you kill Diana, I swear to God. I will lose all mercy and kill your precious daughter, Elizabeth, and the woman that Erik was sleeping around with." Mr. Jasper gave Aeron a confused look. "That's right. Do you even know why your son was killed. Who was after him? John Peterson. The woman Erik was sleeping with's husband! I'll kill em all. But first, You'll die."


I screamed as I watched Aeron back up a little. He finally turned to me and my voice cracked with tears as I found a red spot on my husband's chest.

"Now, he's looking."


Aeron's eyes went wide and he screamed as I felt pain that was stronger than the pain I felt when Aeron broke my heart. My heart was really broken this time.


"Diana! Diana!" I clenched at my chest where I had just been shot and ran to my wife. Her body was slumped in the chair and I cried as the culprits left me with my dying wife. Is this how Jasper felt? Did he watch the slow death I was paid to give Erik? "Diana!" I patted her cheek. "Hold on, just hold on." I grabbed out my knife and cut the zip tie holding her hands together. I picked her up in my arms, staining both our bloody wounds together. I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance.

Inside the ambulance, my wife laid on a gurney as I, who had refused to take another ambulance, was silently treated for the gunshot wound on my chest.

"The bullet nearly missed your heart," the medic scoffed. "Lucky guy."

"I'll shoot on purpose if she doesn't survive." The black, male medic met my eyes. I moved my gaze to my wife and held her hand.

Once we got to the hospital, I told them a white lie of getting shot and mugged in an alley. It was stupid but I was already feeling dizzy from the shock from my bullet.

They placed Diana and I in beds beside each other. She was exhausted and asleep. In the middle of the night, I got up from my bed and sat down next to her. I moved a piece of her curly, brown hair, and kissed her tan forehead. After a minute of admiring her beauty, her eyes fluttered open.

"Aeron?" My heart leaped for joy at the sound of her voice.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." She teared up and I smiled. I smiled because she was okay. She opened her arms and I leaned down to hug her, gently of course. She sobbed into my shoulder not exchanging any words. She didn't have to. She had been shot in the chest as well. But she was okay now. "We're gonna be okay." I whispered sweet nothings to her as I held her close and soothed out her hair.

Once she had fallen back asleep, I left the hospital. Leaving as soon as I could before the nurses found out. My stomach still hurt but I'd had worse.

I took the bus back to the warehouse I had found Diana in earlier and collected my weapons, which I hid once the ambulance came. I grabbed my things then climbed onto my Harley. I went home and snuck behind the closet to the life I had forgotten. A life I refused to live with Diana at my side. A side I tried to shut out.

<<He's pist! You're pist!>>
<<He's going to kill them! Kill them!>>
<<They hurt Diana! They don't deserve to live!>>
<<Aeron, they hurt our Diana. Show no mercy.>>

I strapped on my gear and zipped up my bag of death. Then it was back on the bike and to those who dared to mess with an assassin.

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