Chapter 8

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I awoke to the sound of my cell ringing. At first I ignored it but it could have been my mom, calling about Junior so I quickly leaned over and grabbed it off of the charger. With my eyes half closed I slid my finger across the screen several times, barely looking at the name.

"Hello." I said in a very groggy yet concerned tone of voice.

"Amethyst I know you are not still sleeping." A woman said as I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to the morning light.

"Who is this?" I asked confused.

"Oh so you don't know your best friend of ten years' voice anymore? Okay then I see how you want to be." She said.

"Lea. What do you want? Why are you calling me so early?" I was still a little hung over.

"Well I called you last night to remind you about my house warming party but your ass didn't answer the phone. Besides it's nowhere near early its two forty eight in the afternoon girl."

"Damn are you serious? I must have been really tired." I stated remembering the events that took place last night all over the house. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Sincere was no longer lying next to me. I shook my head.

"Yeah I guess you were tired but the question is why?" She asked being nosey as hell but I wasn't going to spill the beans.

"Don't even worry about it but I'm not coming to the party." I said. I wanted to go back to sleep.

"Oh yes the hell you are. I don't know who lied to your ass but trust me you're coming. You haven't even met Omari yet and it's my first house warming party. Omari's the one who swept me off my feet and finally made me see that staying with Jayceon would have been a mistake. Please come I want the two most important people in my life to meet." She said.

She was right. She finally saw the light and had left her no good ass boyfriend alone. I didn't know much about their situation, because she was very private when it came to their relationship, but from the things that she told me I knew that she deserved better.

As for her new man, apparently, he purchased them a home together ages ago but was just waiting for her to make the right decision by leaving Jay for him. I definitely needed to meet him.

"Okay fine. What time is the party again?"

"It starts at six-thirty but I'm going to come and get you in about thirty minutes. I need you to help me find something to wear to the party."

"Oh wow thanks for telling me instead of asking me." I huffed. I'd have to just throw on something simple since thirty minutes wouldn't be enough time to really get fancy. Plus, it wasn't my party so I didn't care to get all dressed up.

"You are very welcome." She laughed ignoring my sarcasm. "Baby, stop it, I'm on the phone." I heard Lea say to someone in the background. "Anyway girlie I'll call you when I'm on my way."

"Okay. I'm about to take a shower."

"Don't take all damn day because you know how you are." She said.

"Hush girl, I won't." I lied.

"Aight then bye.


I stretched and threw back my covers. I figured that Sincere had left because all of his things were gone. I walked across the room and peeked out the window and his car was gone also. I shrugged. I guess he had to handle some business. I still couldn't believe that I actually slept with him. He put it on me for real though.

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