Chapter 16

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The scorching hot sun was bullying me as I struggled to carry a bunch of grocery bags into the house. I immediately screeched out in agonizing pain when I tripped over one of Junior's toys.

I used the wall for support while breaking a nail in the process. I groaned in aggravation as I kicked the toy across the room. I threw all the groceries on the counter and was clearly not in the mood to put them in their rightful places.

Theoretically I wasn't in the mood for anything. I just got laid off from my job, and I was also still venting over the fact that Sin had taken the word fuck nigga to a whole different level. He fucking broke up with me after being together secretly behind Nas's back for a year.

            I had no clue what happened. I never knew that he would turn around and do me the way he did. He just up and left. He stopped answering my calls and everything.

I felt so stupid. In the beginning he had me feeling like pure royalty but now I just felt used. I felt like nothing more than a piece of gum on the bottom of his shoe. His ass had me fooled.

It was times like this, that I wished Lea was here. She would more than likely tell me a joke to make me feel better or try to convince me to throw a brick at his car. I somewhat chuckled to myself prior to flopping down upon the couch.

All I want to know was how my life got so damn complicated.


I kept watching the clock anticipating my date with Alexis. It seemed like the time was moving extra slow though. I was trying to do anything and everything that would possibly keep my mind off of Amethyst. A couple of weeks may have passed by since we've last spoken or even seen each other, but I still think about her everyday.

I had to make a choice.

I did what I had to do. I didn't want to continue to betray Nas. What we are doing was very disrespectful. Falling for her was the last thing I wanted to do but I couldn't control how I felt. I had to end things before we got too serious though. I didn't want her to get too attached like I was.

She still called me nonstop but I never answered. I just couldn't face her. If I saw her, I'd fall in love all over again.

Scooping my keys off the counter I put on my shades and was well on my way, heading out the house. I wasn't really in the mood to go on a date but I wanted to be able to move on not only physically, but mentally too. I was in front of Alexis's house at exactly nine o'clock on the dot. Like I said I wasn't looking forward to this date but she was a nice girl.


            I was more than ready to drop Alexis home five minutes into the damn date. Her ass talked too fucking much and I wasn't with that shit. She could have written a damn book with all the shit she was telling me. Plus, her breath stunk. When I first met her we were outside and the wind around us must have blown her breath in another direction. Tonight, whenever she spoke the aroma just circulated and damn near made me sick to my stomach.

She was a really attractive girl but she carried herself in the most unladylike ways. She had on the shortest skirt I'd ever seen and didn't even bother to pull it down when she knew damn well she didn't have any panties on.

Yeah I glanced up her skirt a few times but hell; she had her legs wide open for the world to see. I excused myself to the bathroom and when I came back I didn't expect to see Amethyst storming into the restaurant at full force. She must have followed me here.

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