Chapter 9

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I planned on going to see Amethyst to check on her. Losing a close friend had to be devastating and although I didn't know the exact pain that she felt, I could only image.

I headed downstairs to get something to eat before I headed over to Amethyst's crib. I was hungry as fuck. I could smell some good cooking, as I got closer to the kitchen. My baby was cooking my favorite dish; shrimp and chicken Alfredo with garlic bread.

"Hey baby." I said to Taya as she jumped and held onto her chest.

"Oh my God, babe, don't do that. You scared me. I didn't hear you come in." She said.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." I apologized before leaning in to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"It's okay. Don't do it again." She joked before continuing to stir the food in the pot. "You hungry?"

"I'm starving." I rubbed my stomach thinking about how I hadn't eaten since about eight this morning. It was currently six o'clock in the afternoon.

Taya fixed me a plate and I sat down waiting for her to place my food in front of me.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Well my day was horrible and work is the same...they still haven't given me a promotion yet. Oh and by the fucking way I was expecting to come home to a nice bubble bath, a foot rub, or even some head. But instead I come home to see a big bouquet of roses on the counter from my husband to another bitch!" Taya came over to me and slammed my plate down. I shook my head at her childish antics.

"Baby...those flowers are for Amethyst. You know she's going through a tough time. Plus you don't even like flowers." She cut me off.

"Why! Why do you always have to leave to go see her? Am I not important to you?" Taya stood before me with her hands on her hips, and rage in her eyes.

"You know it's not even like that babe. She needs me, and she's going through some pain right now. All she needs is a friend." I said. "I mean, do you want to come?"

"No! Why doesn't a different friend go check on her? You don't constantly have to go running to her. It's like she has you wrapped around her finger or something. Are you fucking her because if you are Nas I swear to God I'm––."

"No I'm not fucking her damn chill out. She needs me and I'm not going to sit here and listen to you accusing me of something I'm not doing." I said getting up from the table, grabbing my car keys, and the roses I bought for Amethyst.

"She's not the only one who needs you. I need you more than ever right about now." Taya said as I immediately stopped what I was doing.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

She looked down at her stomach and then back up at me.

"I'm not sure but I might be pregnant." She blurted out.


"Amethyst––you have to eat something." I said as I sat down on the couch. I placed the chicken, potato wedges and macaroni that I picked up from KFC on the coffee table in front of the couch. She just stared at the blank screen of the television as if I hadn't even uttered a word to her. "Amethyst will you just look at me?" I demanded.

She gradually turned her head until her eyes landed upon mines.

Her face had dried up tears on it and her eyes were a little red. Her hair was all over the place since she didn't bother to tie it up and she was wearing the same clothing for three days in a row now. Somehow, underneath it all, she still looked beautiful and I hated to see her like this. I moved her hair out of her face and sat her food down onto the coffee table.

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