"...you're lucky i love you..."

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Tony kept blowing up my phone with sorry texts, more than what i did!
God he was always such a baby!
after i wasn't responding to his texts, he facetimed me!
"UUUGGGGHHH! Tony you're driving me crazy!!!" i said to myself before answering the phone.
he said excitedly.
i just looked at him waiting for what he had to say...
"uhm... hello?"
"what do you want Tony??"
i said annoyed.
"JEEZ! who pissed in your cereal Ms.Rudey Panties!"
"hmm...? maybe it was the same person who leaked your nudes...?" i said shrugging. i honestly loved to be petty.
"oh wait! it was me huh?"
i said sarcastically.
Tony rolled his eyes,
"yo i was joking! i already know who leaked my stuff! and besides,
i don't really care, it's honestly really funny!" Tony said giggling to himself.
'ooOOoh Tony are you ok the phone with your girlfriend again..?"
i heard Ondreaz said through the screen.
"no i'm on the phone with babymomma #1"
Tony said laughing.
"there's more than me??" i said fake hurt.
"and who is this girlfriend of yours? hmmmmmmm...?" i mocked him.
"ok she's not my girlfriend we're just 'talking' i guess...?" Tony said trying to hide his smile.
"oOoOoH! but that's not what you waaaant!!" i teased him more.
"nooo! like- she's cool i guess but she's not the one i really want... ya know?"
"and who might that be hmm...?"
"i'll never tell!" he winked to make me mad. "ugh! Tony you suck!"
i hung up the phone.
"3...2...1..." i counted down, and right then he called me back.
"ok! ok! i'll tell you!" he said giving in.
"wait really??" i said excited.
"nope!" he hung up the phone.
"oh that son of a bitch!" i said calling back.
"hiiii" Ondreaz had answered the phone.
"heyyy! my favorite Lopez!" i said grinning from ear to ear.
Ondreaz was like... my older brother, but i'm not in the annoying way... sometimes...
like the,
'omg i want a relationship like that with MY brother!'
type of thing.
"hey that hurt!" i heard Tony say.
"truth hurts!" i shrugged.
"ok Lizzo!" i could feel him roll his eyes.
"don't you roll your eyes at me sir!" i said chuckling.
"wh- how did you know?" he said now grabbing the phone.
"because i'm babymomma number ONE!" i said laughing.
"hey! you're not attending to the live anymore Tony! what kind of host are you?"
Ondreaz said.
"wait y'all are live??"
"yeah, but Tony, per usual, was being a terrible host!" Ondreaz joked.
"for shame Tony!" i yelled at him laughing.

"y'all someone in the live said they want to have a relationship as good as yours with their ex!" Ondreaz told us.
"No you don't!" Tony started.
"This woman here, is a bully!" he said pointing his finger to me.
"uH! bitch!" i said them hung up.
i went on Ondreaz's instagram account where they were live, and joined.
i told them to guest me, Tony kept saying no, but Ondreaz did it anyways. "i'm gonna get you one day!" Tony said to Ondreaz.
"and i'll be waiting!" he replied with a smile. "and i'll be recording!"
i said budding in.
"ok guys, i just wanted to clarify some things, and then i'll be on my
retarded ish!" i said giggling.
"when are you never?" Tony mocked.
"nenene!" i said making a face at Tony, and he did the same back.
"I AM NOT THE BULLY! Tony literally made me mad like... 20 minutes ago!
and then had to beg me to forgive him, and me being the-" i tucked the invisible hair behind my ear, even though
my hair was in a messy bun and there was no hair in my face, or any to
tuck for the matter.
"there's not even hair to tuck!" Tony said giggling. "omg see!" i said.
"haha! you are a bully!" Ondreaz joked mocking Tony.
"so like i was saying... me being the nicer, less bullier, babymomma i AM, i
forgave him! and he's over
here calling me a bully! i started fake crying. i covered my eyes with my hands and made crying noises.
"look Tony! you made the damn girl cry!" Ondreaz said going along with my joke.
i clearly opened a space between my
fingers to where you could
see my dry eyes.
i stopped the noises and peeked.
then went right back to fake crying.
"see she ain't even crying!" Tony said laughing.
"yeah she is!"
"yeah i am!" i said i'm a whiny baby voice like i was still crying.

i stopped then we all laughed.
"wait can i like... come over...?" i asked.
making a 'please' face.
"well... idk..."
"YEAH YOU CAN!" Ondreaz yelled.
"HELL YEAH YA DO!" Ondreaz joked.
"HAHA HE GETS IT!" i yelled.
"you don't look like shit! just come now!" Tony insisted.
"aha- ha- HAHA!" i started.
"you're joking right? i only showed myself ok live bc i'm annoying-"
"well that parts true yeah..."
"shut up! but no seriously help me pick out an outfit!" i insisted.
"ok! ok! OoH i know what outfit!! the one you have on now!!" he smiled.
"ok- um... i don't think you comprehend what i meant when i said i look like shit- cause if you didn't i meant... I LOOK. LIKE. SHIT." i said.
Tony rolled his eyes.
Tony yelled trying to hold i'm his laughter a little. "talk talk talk talk-"
i started.
"imma fuckin make out with yo fine ass if you don't stop!"
"..." i opened my mouth.
"don't you dare-" Tony said.
"i look like shit-"
"i'm gonna rearrange your fucking guts-"
"come on to me my interior designer!"
i joked and Tony winked at me.
"y'all are fucking weird..."
Ondreaz butted in.
you both started laughing really hard,
but then you broke the laughter.
"ok i'm gonna get ready, i'll be in in about 30 sound good?"
"yep see you in an hour!" Tony smiled.
"i said 30 minutes though...?"
"yeah but your 30, is really an hour"
you stuck your tongue out at him and he just laughed.
"bye luv!!" you blew a kiss.
"byyyyyye!!" he caught your kiss and put it on his cheek.
then you hung up the phone and got ready.

i wore this outfit, and let me natural curly hair just flow how it wanted

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i wore this outfit, and let me natural curly hair just flow how it wanted.

(like that but not as big lol)and for makeup i just put in some lipgloss and highlight on my cheeks and nose

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(like that but not as big lol)
and for makeup i just put in some lipgloss and highlight on my cheeks and nose.
you check the time and see that
you got dressed in... 10 minutes!
ha suck it Tony!
you thought to yourself.
you grabbed your phone, aux, purse, keys, and lip gloss and head out he door.
Tony's house was about 15 minutes away, so you had some time to have a little car concert (hints why you brought the aux).
you got in your car and noticed that
you needed gas, so you facetimed Tony as you were pulling out of your driveway.
"uh... hello?" he girl pops up on the screen.
"oh... hi?"
"who are you?" she says rudely.
"bitch, i could be asking your the same thing!" i wasn't feeling her vibe,
and i wasn't afraid to beat the bitch either.

[Let's Try This Again...?] •A Tony Lopez Story•Where stories live. Discover now