"...holy shit!...i have to tell him!"

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you secretly went to hang out with your friends w/o Tony knowing b/c no one likes his girlfriend, you met Avani (she's really sweet to you), you found out Jabez likes Avani but Avani likes Anthony, you took a picture with your "fuck buddy" Anthony but you're don't want to be his fuck buddy anymore b/c you found out Avani likes him, and he slipped you a piece of paper asking to
meet in the in n out bathroom.
*end of recap*

i turned to see Anthony looking at me,
a smirk on his face.
"guys i'm gonna go use the bathroom"
Anthony and i say in sync.
we both looked at each other and started laughing. "was that planned?"
Jabez laughs too.
"i don't think so?" i look at Anthony.
"not on my end" he giggles.
"well i know you take forever in the bathroom, so i'll wait for you when you get out, deal?" Anthony asks you.

i know this is not his actual plan,
he wants to fuck... mmmh but he does look good today... NO- AMAYA- you CANNOT do this to Avani, you JUST became her friend... but i was doing this before i met her, and it's not like they're a thing-

you roll you eyes.
"sure, but i don't take THAT long in the bathroom!" you start to get up.
"uhhhh yeah you do!"
Anthony laughs.
you too go back and forth until Jabez chimes in.
"if i may add in,"
Anthony and i look at him.
"i am on Anthony's side, you take long as SHIT in the bathroom!" Jabez laughs.
"THANK YOU!" Anthony daps up Jabez.
"whatever." i walk into the restaurant and Anthony follows.
"sooo- who's going in which bathroom?"
i ask.
"come to the men's, it'll be less awkward since i'm a boy, and you've been in the men's restroom before." he said.
"yeah yeah..." i rolled my eyes.
"attitude much!" Anthony chuckled.
Anthony goes up into the restroom to make sure the coast is clear.
(it's a one person restroom btw)
he popped his head out.
"all good!" he winked.
i walked in and Anthony immediately pushed me up against the wall.
"mmmm..." i brooke from the kiss.
"is the door even locked?" i chuckled as he went and locked the door.
he then kept making out with me.
"Anthony we cant do this-"
i stopped him.
"wh- why?"
"because it feels wrong!"
"how so?"
"i know someone who likes you, and shes
my friend, it just feels wrong..."
Anthony seemed disappointed, but understood. "can we just make out tho?"
"ANTHONY!" i giggled.
"please!! i haven't seen you in forever!"
i rolled my eyes.
he smiled and kissed me.
"ok get out."
i stopped Anthony.
"Anthony it's been like 10 minutes,"
i chuckled.
he rolled his eyes and unlocked the door.
we walked out but i went
into the girls bathroom before i
just walked out to seem less suspicious.
i walked out and saw Anthony
ordering something.
i walked up to him,
"what do you want?"
Anthony looked down at me.
"oh i'm not hungry,"
i smiled shyly.
"ok get her fry, a and
small chocolate shake please,"
"Anthony i said i want hungry,"
"yeah i know, but that means i haven't eaten all day, get me food in your
language." i playfully rolled
my eyes and chuckled.
the lady chuckled,
"sounds like me with my boyfriend,"
i giggled.

oh shit does she think we're dating??
eh i probably won't ever see her again so who even cares??

"yeah this girl is just, a lot,"
Anthony laughed and i playfully hit him.
"aww you guys are cute,"
lady said and then looked down at her register. Anthony and i looked at each other
"does she think we're dating?"
i mouthed to Anthony.
he just shrugged then we turned back to the lady. "ok that'll be 10.25,"
Anthony nodded got out his money.
"hey can we do half? i feel bad for having you pay." i said.
Anthony shook his head.
"i got this Maya,"
"but Anthony,"
"Amaya, i got it, you can repay me later with something," Anthony said and
handed the lady the money.
i rolled my eyes and just sat there.
i heard the door open and by instinct i turned. and
it was her.
but she wasn't with him...
she was with A him, but not the right him...

[Let's Try This Again...?] •A Tony Lopez Story•Where stories live. Discover now