"ANYONE ELSE! just not her!..."

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about 20 minutes of a car concert later,
i pulled up to Tony's house.
i saw Tony and Ondreaz's cars, and another one that was unfamiliar.
it was a all white Prius.
no wonder she's such a bitch! she drives a Prius! i thought to myself.
i picked up my phone and called Tony.
"bAbY mOmMa nUmBeRrRrR OoOoOoOoOnE!" Ondreaz sing to me through the phone.
i started laughing to hard.
"hey boooooo!" i smiled.
"i'm outside!"
"ok i'll come out now!"
he hung up, and seconds after i saw a smiley Ondreaz running through the door, and towards me.
i screamed getting out of the car.
he screamed back hugging me tightly.
"God i missed you! i feel like i haven't seen you in forever but it's only been a few weeks!" i pouted locking my car.
"i know right!" Ondreaz said as we walked through the door, closing it behind us.
"sooo..." i turned to him.
"where's the other one?" i giggled a little.
"uh probably upstairs cuddling again?"
he rolled his eyes.
he took a deep breathe in let it out loudly.
"i take it you don't her either?"
i said putting my bag and purse down at the coffee table.
"how could i?!" he giggled.
i laughed with him.
we walked into the kitchen and i hopped up on the counter.
i scrolled through my phone on insta,
then Drea handed me a glass of water.
"thanks bruuuuv!"
i took a sip of the water.
"wanna go live?" i suggested.
"why not?" Ondreaz shrugged.
i went on live, and prompt my phone up on the wall in the kitchen.
"hewwow lovelyssss!"
i smiled.
"i don't know if i told y'all or not? but i came over! i am currently at the LoPeZ hOuSe!!" i laughed.
"FT. ME!" Ondreaz yelled.
"ah yes! the favorite Lopez ofc!"
i started reading all the comments, everyone was saying hi to Ondreaz.
"Ondreaz! your fans are here!"
i giggled. stepped into the camera,
"oh so i heard y'all were talking about me huh? well guess what...?
Amaya you already know! 3...2...1!"
and then i turned around to the camera and started shaking my ass.
Ondreaz hopped in front of me and covered me up. "NOT TODAY YOU DONT!"
we both started laughing.
i started reading the comments again.
"where's tony at...?" i whispered to myself reading one.
"oh- Tony's uh- doin stuff?"
i looked at Ondreaz.
then back into the live.
15 minutes go by,
"ok y'all, i just wanted to do a quick live rn, i'll come back later, hopefully with Tony! by luvs!" i blew a kiss into the phone then ended the live.
"well make yourself at home! i've got a meeting and i gotta get dressed!"
Ondreaz said heading up the stairs.
"wait! who am i supposed to hang out with then??" i pouted.
"Tony! duh!" Ondreaz said trying to
walk up the stairs again.
"but what about her...?" i pouted more.
Ondreaz shrugged.
"look kid, idk what to tell ya! but i gotta get ready, you could come if you'd like?"
"really??" my fave lit up.
"no!" Ondreaz started laughing.
"i hate you!"
i pouted again, this time plopping ok the couch with my arms crossed.
"i love you too!" Ondreaz finally made it up the steps and began to get ready for his meeting.
fine then i guess i'll just leave? it's not like Tony will notice, he's cuddling with
devils! why couldn't he end up with someone else, ANYONE ELSE! just not her! i just don't have a good vibe about her.
i started to grab my thing and walk out the door until i hear footsteps.
i thought it would be Ondreaz so i thought i would turn to day bye, but
of course! it was Alexia,
walking down the steps with only a bra that looked tight enough on her boobs
to be a bikini, and a pair of panties, thought i'm pretty sure it was a thong
the way they stuck up her ass.
"oh- it's you..."
"nice to see you too! good job on making a first impression! i love to
meet everyone in their tight pink panties!"
i smiled sarcastically, then rolled my eyes.
she scoffed and walked down the stairs, into the kitchen.
i then saw Tony walking down the steps.
he looked tired, like he had just woken up.
he was shirtless with grey sweats on,
and his hair messier than ever.
aww he's cute!
EW NOT IN THAT TYPE OF WAY THOUGH! i cant think of Tony like that! right...?
"Amaya?" he rubbed his eyes.
"oh hey! i was just leaving-"
"what why?!"
"dont bother her Tony! just let her leave!"
she smirked at me.
"honey, you can't talk when you walk around your boyfriends house
in panties while his brother is home, that's not uncomfortable to you?"
"no! i've know Tony and Ondreaz for like... 2 months now!" she thought she had one upped me.
"sis i've known them for years, pipe down new bitch..."
"ok that's enough ladies!" Tony stopped us.
"ok bye, i've only seen you for like... 1 minute and there's already shit happening!"
i reaching for the door.
"ladies no! i want both of you here-"
"so i'll come back later! when she's gone!"
i glared at Alexia.
she rolled her eyes.
"you both are very important to me! i love you both! and i want you two to
get along! ok? for me?"
"excuse me you love her Tony? do you even love ME anymore?"
she started in a whiny voice.
GIRLFRIEND!!" i shout out of frustration.
why was she being one of those dumb jealous girls right now?
she smirked at me.
"something you'll never be able to experience..."
i started to chuckle.
"she doesn't know...?"
i turn to Tony.
he looked at me then at Alexia,
then at me again.
his mouth was open like he wanted to say something, yet nothing came out of his mouth. well there was my answer.
"tell. me. what?"
Alexia said sternly walking yo to Tony,
as if she were intimidating.
"uhhh..." Tony scratched the back of his head.
i gotta day something to at least save him?
"well... a few years ago...
i asked Tony out..."
i looked at Tony, he was starring dead into my eyes, looking
for some faith inside of me.
"...but he rejected me..."
i broke eye contact with Tony,
then looked at Alexia who was not smirking. relief was all over Tony's face.

that's sad.

i thought to myself.
Alexia mocked me.
maybe she really is a witch?
she sure does laugh like one...

Ondreaz walked down the stairs with some black ripped jeans, a white T-Shirt, and
some black and white vans.
his car keys in his hand.
"someone cleans up well..."
i said.
he smiled then looked at Tony in disgust,
"...and it's NOT you..."
he pointed to Tony and chuckled.
i laughed.
Tony just rolled his eyes.
"hey Ondreaz..." Alexia started walking over to Ondreaz.
Ondreaz noticed she was naked,
and put his hand over her body in front
of his eyes.
"5 feet apart missy..." he said.
"AHAHAHAHAHAH ONDREAZ YOURE SO FUNNY!!" she laughed her ass off...
bitch... i'm pretty sure he wasn't joking...
"she want the whole crew shawty brave..."
i sung under my breathe to Ondreaz.
we started chuckling silently,
and Tony death stared us.
we stopped laughing, but after a few seconds, we couldn't hold out laughter anymore, and this time,
we were laughing mUch harder!
my knees were weakening so
i grabbed onto Tony for balance.
he pushed me off of him,
and i fell to the floor, still laughing.
"oh shit my bad!"
Tony held his arms out to help me up.
i took them and got up still giggling.
"...we don't give a fuck about no bitch..."
Ondreaz sang to me, and i busted out laughing AGAIN.
this time i instantly fell to the floor.
Ondreaz grabbed my legs
and dragged me out the door.
"wait... wAiT... WAIT- what are you doing sir?" i said as i stopped laughing and got a little scared.
"i'm taking you with me!"
"to your meeting?"
"uh- yeah!" he said in a 'duh' tone.
"but you said-"
"shhhhhh... child... shush."
he lifted me up, and we got out to his car.
i waved goodbye to Tony, and
when he turned around i flipped off his mistress. her face went "😧" and i giggled.
Ondreaz drove off.
"ok, i don't really have a meeting,
i'm going to hang out with friends."
"wait does Tony know?"
"nope! no one likes his girlfriend, so if he comes, she comes..." he said in a dull manner. i chuckled.
i knew it wasn't just me that hated that girl!
"do i know any of them?"
"uh- some of them?"
"oh yay new friends!"
we both giggled.
i had no problem meeting new people, but if your vibe is off, i'm just not fuckin with you! sorry not sorry.
"well! off to friends we go!"
i smiled.

[Let's Try This Again...?] •A Tony Lopez Story•Where stories live. Discover now