『 One fuck up, Ash 』

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"...Eindhoven, and wait there for tanks." Richard finished, eyeing everyone.

"Fuckin' shitin' Market garden thin'" murmured Ash, sitting next to Roe.

He just looked at her with mixed emotions.

"Where you here the whole time?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nah, just got here. You don't have to explain, I'll just go with my guts decision. As always." Lazily saluting she left.

On her way back, she noticed Maya and Ann talking.

"Helllo there, fellow ladies! Whatcha up to?" Blue asked patting both on the shoulder.

"Geez sarge, you smell. How much did you drink again?" Ann asked too, in a giggly voice.

Fox just pointed a finger at her "I bet that as much as you."

Maya couldn't stand watching those obibogs (that's how you call silly people in Poland) and went looking for Lipton.

"Think it's clear now?"

"Think it is girl." The girls straightened their uniforms and coughed a little.

"By the way, nice acting." Ann replied, showing thumbs up.

"Oh don't flatter me, you know that you are the best with this." The other woman replied, shaking her hand dismissively.

there was a small silence till Ash spoke up again.

"So Artist, how are things goin'? Aren't you suppose to be like, in the tent, listening what you are going to do?" She asked, kicking some rocks here and there.

Sofer just send her an unamused look.

"Well, we are not soldier- like you. So we stay low, in the grass. Waiting for you to end the battle, and then help you out. If needed." She explain

"oh and, thank you. For the help." She added, smiling.

Ashley just stared at her dumbfounded. "What the hell you talkin'bout woman?"

Sofer gave her the same look."what? You don't know anything? This morning Liebgott came to me with flowers, asking for forgiveness. He told me that it's all because of the stress and he just wants to live with some good memories. So I forgave him, you know, just gave him a second chance and I think this might work out for us."

Ashley smiled at that "that's great! Hopefully you will survive till the end."

Winking, Ashley walked away.

"Ahira! Come!" The small girl yelled looking around.

After a few seconds she heard barking near the tents.

"Comeee!" She yelled, whistling and walking closer to her four legged buddy.

"Sheesh, you just killed my dog." Saying that she put her arms akimbo and shook her head looking at the scene in front of her.

Ahira gasping and laying on the floor, with an officer on top of him, giving him pats here and there.

Ron spotting the Sergeant quickly threw himself off and dusted his jacket, clearing his throat a little.

Ashley clicked her tongue, looking at the dog which stood quickly on her command.

"I see that you two get along, I'm getting worried that this dog will soon be yours." Blue said ruffling the animal here and there, eyeing carefully the Officer.

He just chuckled nervously, looking away. "Yeahh, we had a manly chat. Felt nice to talk to someone..."

Ashley just nodded her head.
Smokey could feel that something was off with the E company sergeant.

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