Some prompts

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(I know I'm shitty but please hear me out.

Right now I'm in Croatia so the internet is awful here and I can't upload a big ass fucking chapter.

Don't worry I'll be back in 2 days.

That's why I'm giving you a few dialogues, prompts.

I may or may not use it in future chapters. If you want them then give a text next to it or something.)

...Probably gonna delete this later...


-Ron: Gimme one good fucking reason why I shouldn't shoot you in the face right now.
- Ash laughing: I'm driving.


- Doc: Where is that idiot anyway?
- Ash in a medical bed, injured: I'm right here!
- Doc: Surprisingly enough I'm not talking about you this time.


Ash talking with a random soldier:

- Soldier: You look familiar
- Ash: So do you. Where do I know you from?
- long pause -
- Both: jail.


(Ashley tries to ride a car and 'accidentally' hits Ron)
- Ron: Fuck, I feel like I got hit by a car


-Would you kill to save a life?

( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

- Maybe I don't want to heal, maybe I just want to sleep forever


- I was not a happy child


- My idea of a 'help of above' is a sniper on a roof

☆*:.。. .。.:*☆

- I'll be your soldier


- Ash: Merry Christmas I'm your present
- Ron: Can I have the receipt
- Ash: WoW

- Ash: He's just the biggest asshole ever
- Doc: You didn't even say what he did wrong
- Ash: He breaths

- Ash: How are you
- Ron: How about you
- Ash: What, you didn't even answer me

- Nix, drinking his vat69: At least we like each other
- Ash, drinking her beer: Suffering together is better than suffering alone... or is it the other way?


- Doc: Is that blood?
- Ash: No?
- Doc: That's not a question you're supposed to answer with a question

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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