[15] Empty Space and Video Games

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Chapter 15: Empty Space and Video Games

"Ow, ow, ow!" I complained, as Jesper had me trapped in a tie up.

We were on the ground and he had me locked in a wrestling position. He was still bandaged up from his wound earlier today, so I don't know where he was finding this strength.

"You're choking me," I coughed.

He tightened his grip, muscles flexing against my windpipe. "You're superwoman strong. Push me off."

"I can't."

"You can," he urged.

I struggled, trying to push myself free but his grip remained firm. I pulled at his arm, but it did nothing.

I smacked at his arm a couple times, "Please let go."

"Ok," he backed off and I started coughing, "I guess we'll reconsider the human theory."


Friday Night

I poured fruit loops into a bowl. Then I took the box of Reese's puffs and added that. I topped it off with a handful of blueberries to be healthy and then doused it all in vanilla milk.


I spooned the cereal into my mouth as I walked by the living room and almost choked at what I saw.

Nathaniel lay back on the couch, legs crossed on the coffee table. He was shirtless with a pair of jeans on, low enough that I saw the deep V-shape lines down his hips. I soaked in the view. The way his chest moved slowly as he breathed. The way his abs formed lines across his chest, still visible even when he was relaxing. His strong arms rested on his lap, holding a controller in his hands. His fingers moved expertly while his gray eyes were fixed on the screen.

"Enjoying the view, Red?"

I blushed though he didn't look my way – he was focused on the TV.

"Why don't you ever wear a shirt?" I asked.

"And deprive you of all this? Come on, I'm not that cruel."

"Well no wonder I'm feeling sick. I'm looking at you."

"Ahah," he smiled, not minding the insult at all. "Come over. I'm playing your game."

I went to stand behind him on the couch. I raised my bowl and ate some more cereal as I picked up the video game and looked at the title. Red Dead Redemption.

"Aren't you going out tonight? It's a Friday night," I asked.

"You asking me out, Red?"

"I was just-"

"Yeah, I'm going out."


He patted the space on the couch for me to sit next to him. But at that exact moment, Hugo came flying down the stairs.

"What the hell, dude? You're not even dressed!" he saw us in the living room, "They're are outside."


Nate was still focused on his game, "You can let them in."

Hugo sighed and stormed to the front door. I heard  high-pitched voices entering the house. Then Hugo came back and threw a black shirt at Nate. He caught it with his spare hand.

Nate put pause on the game and twisted round on the couch. He looked up at me with his million-dollar face and wiped some milk off my chin. His finger on my skin.

I stared into his gray eyes and the way his ruffled hair fell over them.  I was entranced by his classic features. His soft, smooth lips and his strong jawline. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, "I can't tell what game you're playing."

"I'm a girl who got electrocuted. I might be playing games or I might just be crazy," I winked, raising my bowl of fruit loops.

Let's just say I bring the loopy out of fruit loops.


"What was that? Were you flirting with him?"

I found Jesper standing outside the living room. The other boys had gone to enjoy their Friday night, while Jesper and I were still stuck on house arrest. They didn't trust us enough to let us out.

"Flirting?" I choked on a reese puff. "With who?"

"Nate," he said his name like it was venom.

"Uhh, no way. He's cocky."

"You like that in a guy," he said.

"You're telling me what I like?"

"We are not having that conversation."

"Ok, dad."

He gave me a look. "Can you just promise me you'll stay away from him?"

That's a hard one.

"Oh yeeeah."

"Real convincing, G."


I was still in the living room when the boys came back. I was lying on the couch where they left me, two bowls of cereal down and an empty Reece Puff's box as a cushion. I was dozing in and out of sleep.

It was 4 AM.

22 Jump Street was the movie playing on the TV.

"Damn, that girl can eat," Hugo said, the first one to walk into the living room.

I was practically out but in my half-asleep state, I heard him. I also heard a kissing sound. He must be with a girl.

"She's still there?"

That was Nate's voice. I could tell.

Hugo said goodnight and took his girl upstairs. I thought Nate must have left as well but then I felt a blanket cover me. He leant over and tucked the blanket around my shoulders.

Another girl said, "Let's go to your room now, Natey. Your sister's fine here."

I am not his sister. How many girls had they brought back anyway?

He answered in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake me up, "I'll call a cab for you."

I never expected him to say that to her. But he did, and the two of them walked out where I heard her asking him if she could stay. I wasn't sure what happened after, because I fell into a deeper sleep.

I only woke when I felt arms around me. That familiar musky scent wrapped itself around me. I stirred and heard his deep voice, "Stay asleep, Red. I'm taking you to bed."

He had me in his arms as he carried me up the stairs. I must have been light for him because he carried me easily – and gently. The whole house was quiet since it was the middle of the night. He kicked my door open and lowered me into my bed.

I immediately curled up, taking hold of my pillow. He took my duvet and covered me under it. Gently, he picked up the strands of hair that had fallen over my face and brushed them aside. Then he stood up, left my room and closed the door behind him. And I felt an empty space where he used to be.

A/N: Hey hey! Pls vote & comment if you liked it. I'm not sure if you've been impacted by the wattpad glitch, but Player Next Door disappeared for a few days.  Sorry if that impacted your reading and mostly sorry to the authors out there going through similar things.  I guess there's never a good time than the present to back up all your work / save a copy on your laptop!

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