[48] Run Georgia Run

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'It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware' - Albert Einstein

Chapter 47: Run Georgia Run

Train harder. Train longer. Train faster.

That was the motto of the house.

Emily left a 'refuel basket' by the front door next to the fruit bowl. Protein bars, hard boiled eggs, packets of almonds. We would grab a handful on our way out and on our way back.

The boot camp group consisted of seven people: four girls and three boys. They ranged from eighteen to twenty-four years old and they were serious. Every day was a competition between them. They were never really personal with one another, though they formed a tight knit team.

They even had a cruel streak. They played a game of sniper from the second floor of the house, where they would try to shoot the birds that wandered over to the lake. Unfortunately, their aim was good. 

We found out about their 'game' when Mohan discovered five dead birds. He forbade them from playing. I would have punished them more than simply taking their guns away. But I didn't say anything.

Jesper was much more vocal in his anger.


I spent the afternoon practicing my aim. I was using spears to hit a tree. I had only gotten one spear into the red paint target when I heard the cackling of laughter in the distance.

"Let's play a little game," one of the boys called out loudly, "It's called Run Georgia Run."

And a spear came whizzing through the trees and almost scraped my cheek. I immediately dropped to the ground as three more spears came whizzing overhead. I scrambled to my feet and started to run, zig zagging between the trees, and purposefully not giving them a constant straight line as a target.

Were they trying to kill me?

"This is fun," I heard a girl laugh as they ran after me, spears in hand.

The spears went flying around me. I almost tripped over a tree bark and the lunge forward actually saved me because another spear went through the air where my back used to be. I couldn't even scream for help.

I ran and I ran and I ran-

Straight into Nate.

I crushed into him and, somehow, he stayed firm like a boulder. The force of impact hurt me more than it hurt him. He gripped my shoulders steady to see what was wrong. I had terror in my eyes.

"She's there!"

Another spear came launching out of the forest towards us. Nate caught it. I opened my eyes wider, impressed.

"Stop!" the group warned each other, seeing him. They came out of the forest, slowing down as they walked towards him.

"We were just playing a little game," one of the guys explained.

For whatever reason, Nate had gotten the boot camp group's respect. Since Zane and Hugo could handle themselves better than I could, I was getting the brunt of the beating.

"It was a friendly game."

"It didn't look friendly," Nate responded.

I was still trying to catch my breath. He had a hand on my shoulder that served both to calm me down and as a warning to the others not to come near me.

"We're helping her work out, that's all. Lighten up, jeez," a girl said.

"Game's over," Nate answered.

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