[52] Pick Up

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Chapter 52: Pick Up


I was walking back to the car, debating whether I should warn the others, when I heard them. They were three men, standing around a nearby car and peering over a map. A physical map. 

"The high school's an hour away. Why did we end up out here?"

"It doesn't matter. We'll still make it in time. We need to catch these kids before they Visit."

"Ridiculous mission when we don't even know what they look like."

"I know, that's why we have our plan. We know they're students at the school. We're going to smoke them out."

[End of Recap]

This was not good.

I mean it's bad.

Really bad.

I hit the gas, though Emily's car only went a quarter of the speed Nate's did. I nervously tapped my fingers against the wheel, whispering come on, come on.

Would I even make it in time to warn everyone?

Since my car had been parked next to theirs, I had to wait for them to leave before getting in. I figured they would notice me otherwise, dressed in a gown.

Finally, I reached Maythorne Manor.  I left the keys in the ignition as I raced up the front stairs into the mansion. 

"EMILY! MRS MAYTHORNE!" I yelled out for anyone, "MOHAN!" 

My echo reverberated through the giant house. 

I needed to get reinforcements. I needed to warn everyone. We were stronger, together.

Mohan was the first one who found me. "What's the matter, Georgia?"

"I was in town and overheard a group looking for us. They know we go to the high school," I spoke at 180 miles a minute, "I think they're demons with some plan to smoke us out at the Winter Formal tonight."

Mohan reacted very decisively, "Ok. Go. Try to figure out their plan and stop it. I'll stay here and defend the Manor in case it's a distraction."

"Stop the plan? Me... sure," I wasn't convinced in myself.

"Nate, go with her," Mohan pointed.

I hadn't realized Nate was here. I turned around to face him. He was dressed so casually, holding a file under his arm.

"You aren't going to the formal?" I asked, surprised.

Maybe not the right time to ask - but I couldn't help my reaction.  I had been thinking about him a lot since our last conversation.

"I am now," he answered, grabbing his coat, "Let's go."


Nate drove as fast as he could. The lanes were clear since it was late on a Friday night. I kept tapping my phone, waiting for the bars on the top to light up.

"Stupid cell service. Come on, come on," I muttered under my breath.

Finally, when we left Swell Valley, those bars popped up and I immediately dialed Jesper's number. It rang and rang and no one picked up. I cursed and dialed another.

Thankfully, Sid picked up, "Hey girl, are you on your way? We just got here."

"Are you with your sister?" I asked, "Is Jesper there too?"

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