[19] It's 5PM Somewhere

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Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable - Wizard of Oz

Chapter 19: It's 5PM Somewhere

"This won't take long. I only need you to take your shirt off."

Emily was unraveling measuring tape in front of me. Behind her, Nathaniel was sitting at a desk, spinning his pen around his index finger. He flicked it into the air and caught it, then focused on reading the paper in front of him.

"That's a hard no from me," I said.

Zander was slouched in a chair next to Nate. He lowered his paper, eyebrows raised suggestively, "How hard is it?"

"You wouldn't know," I answered.

"Georgia," Emily tried to calm me in the same way you would a pet cat, "Living in Maythorne Manor means you'll need a big wardrobe. There are a lot of functions that Mrs Maythorne attends and I need your measurements. I've been guessing so far."

"Great guesses though," I complimented her as she dragged me over to the large mirrors.

"Not for expensive dresses. Anyway, I warned you I'd be taking your measurements so why did you wear your thickest sweater?" Emily sighed.

"Because I forgot and I don't want to do this."

"You're not getting naked here," Emily said, already lifting my sweater. I was in my school uniform but when she pulled the sweater over my shoulders, my shirt rose with it.

I tried to keep it down since I knew the boys could see.

Emily wrapped the measuring tape around my waist and I looked over at Nate. His gray eyes locked with mine. He was watching me. His pupils dilated. He looked away as soon as I caught him.

"Alright, and your breast size is-"

"Can we keep that one to ourselves?" I interrupted, blushing. She was either way too comfortable around these boys or she was just trolling me.

Nate kept reading, though the way his jawline tensed, I could tell he was finding it harder to focus.

"I'll measure your inseam now. Please spread your legs, shoulder width apart."

Nate seemed calm on the surface but the way his knee bounced under the table gave it away. I couldn't resist checking him out. He was tense. Emily placed the tape along the hem of my tights.

"Can you lift your skirt?"

Nate cleared his throat and stood up, keeping his eyes firmly on the ground. "I'm heading..." he pointed to the exit.

He walked in that direction and, when he passed me by, I buried my head in my hand. He jumped over the sewing kit on the floor and left. If it had been me, I think I would have tripped.

Zander leaned back in his chair and stroked his chin, watching that interaction play out with an amused look on his face.

Emily recorded the measurements.

"I forgot my phone," Nate came back into the room, shielding his eyes from me with the palm of his hand.

He quickly took his phone from the table and slipped it into his pocket, backing out again. I think I caught the faintest shade of pink on his cheekbones.

Zander chuckled and gathered the papers, "I guess we're done here. Interesting."

I looked out of the window, where Nate was on the other side. His hand released the doorknob. I saw him exhale and run a hand through his hair, messing it up even more.

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