[67] All The Time

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Thank you to @ayeshasadaf for this amazing poster!!  I'm guessing this is Georgia and Kirby <3

'I won't give up on you... so don't give up on me' - English translation of a Hindi quote

Chapter 67: All The Time

He sat on the ground in a clearing in the forest. Snow had started to fall, and the temperature was close to freezing. He breathed into his hands for warmth, waiting.

The night sky sparkled over him. The compass he held in his hands had three different orientations and moon patterns on it. As it ticked and whirled in different directions, the hope in his eyes faded.

He sighed, putting the compass into his jacket pocket. 

He stared up at the sky, "Where are you, Georgia?"

X marked the spot where she was last seen on earth. 

If she was ever going to come back, it would be here. He walked through the forest and back to Maythorne Manor. Alone.


A light had been lit in the entrance. Emily kept it on every night, in case she would find her way home. It was now a symbol of hope.

He walked in and brushed the snow off his shoulders. He had a black hat on his head, which he took off. His hair cascading into his eyes.

He looked over and saw Jesper sitting on the staircase. Jesper came here every night, waiting for him to return.

As he walked in, Jesper looked at him with hope.  

Nathaniel shook his head.

Without speaking, Jesper lowered his head. Then he got up and walked up the stairs to bed. Nathaniel knew they would have the same routine tomorrow night and every night until...

Until what? Until she came back or they gave up?

Jesper and Nathaniel had never seen eye to eye, but they were connected through pain now.

He didn't want to think that. He walked into Mohan's office where lunar charts were pasted on the wall. Mohan looked up at him but the expression on his face said it wasn't the night. Mohan looked saddened.

Nate added another cross through another date. 

Then he stepped back and stared at the charts, "There goes another theory. She couldn't have taken that route through the universe or she would've been here by now."

"It's time we accept. I think she's lost," Mohan said, joining Nate. 

They both stared at the dozens of lines and paths they'd drawn through the lunar system. All the possible ways to return to earth.

"Do you still think about her?" Mohan asked, "During the day, I mean. When it's all back to normal, do you still think about her?"

"All the time."


Jesper was in her bedroom. No one had dared to enter it for the memories. But he went in every day. It was the last thing he had of her.

He had the photos too. He'd printed them and posted them on his wall, so that she was the first and last thing he saw every day.

He wanted to honor her in the day.

And at night, he would come to her room and sit at her desk. He wrote her a letter every day, to tell her what he was up to, what was going on in the world, so that when she came back, she wouldn't have missed a thing. 

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