THE Mission

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Once again the weekend was upon them and Morgianna and Fafnir would set out on another mission that very night. For some reason Felix had been absent since the party, not even asking Morgianna where she would be traveling to as he always did.

As she was in her room packing a couple of outfits as to not appear suspicious she thought back to the party a few days before. She did not know why she had been invited only that it couldn't be good if the capture targets were involved. 'Maybe I should run away.' her thoughts turning to her last resort. She had come to love the family she had here, but she wanted to live.

"Fafnir, I would like you to ready the carriage, I will be ready to leave in the next twenty minutes, and would like to be gone before my brother changes his mind on once again asking to tag along."

Fafnir nodded and turned on his heel to leave, he had noticed a change in his mistress over the last few days but did not want to add to her stress by pressuring her to answer. If she felt the need to tell him, he would listen. He felt bad that such a young girl had to act so maturely.

As she had said within 20 minutes she was in the carriage and they were rolling away leaving the castle behind. She could feel eyes on her as she left and assumed that it was Felix, always the one to see them off even if he was not at the door.

The ride to the guild was silent, as both occupants were deep in thought. Fafnir still worried for his Kingdom, Morgianna had promised her assistance if he waited until her 12th birthday as that gave her time to strengthen her body somewhat. He understood the need to get stronger, he had waited centuries so a few more years should be fine, right? Morgianna however was thinking of ways to avoid meddlesome princes, and if dying her hair and hiding in a temple as a nun would be a viable option. 

Morgianna was frustrated that she had to even travel to the guild. She hated seeing the looks that she got while there. Yes, she was still very small, and yes she was a girl, that was not going to change. Usually she would have sent Fafnir to pick a target earlier in the week, but with the party it threw their schedule off track. Not only were those princes messing with her noble life, but they even messed with her hidden one too even if they did not know it.

*Timeskip to arriving at the guild*

"I do not care what target you pick, just grab one so we can be on our way." Morgianna had her hood pulled low, her frown the only thing visible.

Killian watched as she leaned against the wall in a bored manner, over the past two years she had excelled in bringing in targets. There were some who were requested alive, so that they may "answer" for their crimes, but every time they arrived at the guild it seemed they were almost happy to be handed over. Happy to be away from the girl they called The Little Red Demon.

Apparently she was ruthless to her captives, making the hardened criminals even wish for death. Killian had never seen what she looked like under her hood, but surely her features must be twisted to match her personality?

He stepped from behind the counter and made his way over to where she stood, noting the change in her stance as he drew closer. There would be no sneaking up on this girl. He smirked at her reaction, even after 2 years with them she did not trust easily. He wiped all emotion off his face before speaking, knowing that he already had her attention.

"We do not see much of you around here, Red." The smile was not on his lips but instead danced in his eyes.

Morgianna did not want to answer but knew that if Killian had walked over to her himself instead of staying behind his counter than he must have a good reason. "What can I do for you Killian?"

He too leaned against the wall close to where she stood, looking towards where Fafnir stood in front of the mission board searching for their newest guest. "There is a mission that has not been put back on the board yet." He said it as if it was just a normal topic, but Morgianna knew it was anything but. If a mission had to be put back on the board, that means the people who took it failed. Whether they died, or returned empty-handed had yet to be divulged. 

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