The Contest Part 2

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Morgianna saw the flare and dropped the water she had in her hand springing up from her seat.  Her sudden movement startled Kieran and Caspian but they had no time to ask her what was wrong before she took off in the direction of the flare. Leaving their bags on the ground they quickly followed after her, uncaring of the contest at that moment. As soon she saw that flare Morgianna wished she had already contacted Fafnir and the others so that they would be on their way. She did not know what exactly would happen but she knew it would not be good.

'I need you guys.' She sent it telepathically and left the link open so that they would find her.

"You better hurry to save your friend, she doesn't have much time left..." Death appeared with a conflicted look beside her as she ran. He knew he shouldn't tell her, but he found himself not wanting to see her heartbreak at losing a friend.

At his words all Morgianna could think of was getting there faster. Using her magic she propelled herself into the sky so that she wouldn't have to worry about dodging trees. Kieran and Caspian cursed as they watched her figure disappearing from their sight. Without a second thought Kieran shifted to his wolf form mid-step and Caspian grabbed hold of his black fur letting himself be pulled along.


Margerie and Ruthanna were water and earth users and cornered Olive leaving her no place to run. "I do not know what you shot into the sky, but by the time help arrives it will be too late." They both smiled as they built a wall around Olive filling it full of water.

At first there was banging coming from within the closed earth  but slowly the sounds ceased. The girls were about to panic and release her when they felt the air around them go cold. "WHERE. IS. OLIVE!" They quickly turned to find Morgianna floating above them. Without thinking they cast a glance at the closed earth and Morgianna zeroed in on it. Without a moment's hesitation she broke it in half allowing Olive's pale body to spill onto the forest floor.

Morgianna was trembling as she let her feet touch down on the ground. With the utmost care she brushed Olive's hair out of her face and used her powers to pull the water from her friend's lungs. She saw Ruthanna and Margerie trying to sneak off and her head snapped in their direction causing both girls to freeze in fear. After Morgianna was sure that Olive would be alright she used her earth magic to create a bed of soft flower to lay her in and then slowly stood to her feet.

Death had arrived but only stood quietly to the side, he looked at the pale girl on the bed of flowers and sighed. She would have died if Morgianna had arrived even a minute later. Looking back to Morgianna he saw her losing her grip on her powers and knew that while one life was spared not everyone would leave here alive.

A manic smile formed on Morgianna's lips and she cocked her head to the side. She glanced around seeing that Angeline had long ago run away leaving her lackeys to take the fall. No issue, they would not take long, and then the hunt could commence for the main prize. "Tell me where your idol is when you need her. She pushed you until you hurt an innocent girl and then ran at the first sight of trouble. The payment required... is death."


Kieran and Caspian could smell the blood in the air as they drew closer to where they had seen the light originate from. The scene that awaited them almost turned their stomachs. Two bodies that were unidentifiable were strewn around the trees, blood splattered across the ground everywhere but one place. In that one clean section laid Olive seemingly sleeping if not for her drenched hair and cold clammy skin.

Caspian was the first to walk forward and placed his finger on her wrist to feel for a pulse. He was relieved when he felt one but couldn't help but bite his lip as he looked around at the scene around them. "Do you think Morgianna did this? Or was taken by whoever did?" Kieran who was still in his wolf form just stared at him blankly as if not even wanting to entertain the idea. Caspian as if he could read the other prince's mind ran his hands through his blue hair. "Regardless we need to find her. Can you point me in the right direction with that nose of yours? We need to hurry before the teachers arrive. You can tell them whatever you want, but I will go along with whatever Morgianna says. Even if she did this she wouldn't have attacked without reason."

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