All Is Fair in Love and War part 2

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Morgianna had no idea how she arrived at her destination but somehow she had made it to what looked like a makeshift office. Inside at a table sat Finian and Fergus both deep in conversation.

"I think we should attack during the wee AM hours. Sora was never a morning person." Finian nearly spat the woman's name with enough venom to knock someone dead.

Fergus was grimacing. "Neither am I, but I agree with the early attack. It leaves us with more daylight since we do not know what we are running into."

Slipping silently into the room without detection, Morgianna made her way over to the table peering down at the map placed in front of them. "How many days are you leaving for preparation? I would love to have Finian, Alnwick, and Myra teach some moves to the ones who will be sent out to fight."

When the two Princes heard her voice right next to them they nearly jumped out of their skin. They were shocked that she could get so close without them noticing and shared a wary look with each other. Unbeknownst to them Morgianna hid a smirk delighted at their reaction.

"We were thinking 3 days, I know it seems too soon, but we have been preparing for years, your arrival has just given us a reason to finally act." Fergus sat a little straighter under her scrutiny his mind buzzing as he tried to figure out the small girl in front of him.

"Four days, give them two to train hard, one to rest, and then attack the fourth. I would also suggest a pincer attack. It will make your numbers thinned out in areas, but it will allow more people to invade at once and hopefully trap the enemy within so that they can be destroyed." Morgianna out her hand on her chin as she stared down at the map in front of her. She did not want to think of the deaths that would litter the pristine streets in front of her, only the end goal that would allow these people to return home.

Finian was gobsmacked with the way she spoke, it was as if she had planned many attacks before yet looked like a young babe in his eyes. "I am sorry if I come off as rude... But how old are you and how do you speak so freely of battle plans?" He himself did not begin learning strategy until he was almost 100 which even in human standards would be much older than Morgianna.

She did not even bother lifting her head as she studied the layout of the castle. "I just turned 12. My father may be a duke, but my battle strategy comes from personal experience." 'Yeah video games are totally personal experience Morgianna.' She mocked herself in her mind but did not look into the men's eyes. She had fought by Fafnir's side since she was practically a babe in this world, but never at such a large scale. To say she was not worried would be a lie.

Silence fell on the room, both men looking at Morgianna with stars in their eyes. All they could think about was that if she was this knowledgeable at such a young age then surely the fight is winnable. Plus they had their dearest elder brother and their two friends on their sides.

"When we attack, I think it best if I lead a small group separately from the main force. We would sneak in before the battle actually happens in the hope of finding Sora and Faust first. I know he is your brother and I would never expect any of you to kill your family, but if he is too far gone I will not hesitate to end him." Morgianna finally lifted her head from the entrances she had been studying making sure each brother saw the truth in her eyes. She knew Sora was the real bad guy, but for a man to betray his family and kingdom... It was unacceptable.

Finian and Fergus found their throats to become parched as they looked into her eyes. In them were a determination and a flicker of sadness. They knew that if the time came that their brother was to die she would step up and be his executioner without faltering. To see someone so young prepared to kill, and to do it for them brought mixed emotions into their hearts.

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